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在初中美术教学中,多媒体技术集声像图文于一体,可以将美术学习过程动态地展示出来,不仅能够激发学生的主动性,提高学生的学习兴趣,而且可以丰富教学内容,增强教学效果,提高教学效率,对于陶冶学生情操、提高学生的美术鉴赏能力发挥着重要作用。初中美术课堂多媒体的使用中,教师应正确对待自己的引导作用,立足教学主题,合理设计教学内容,切忌无效信息太多,让多媒体技术在色彩课、手工课和美术鉴赏课中发挥出最大作用。本文就此探讨了多媒体教学在初中美术欣赏教学中的作用。 Art teaching in junior high schools, multimedia technology, audio-visual images in one set, the art learning process can be dynamically displayed, not only to stimulate student initiative and improve students’ interest in learning, but also enrich the teaching content and enhance teaching effectiveness, Improve teaching efficiency, to cultivate the sentiment of students and improve the ability of students to appreciate art plays an important role. Middle school art classroom use of multimedia, teachers should be their right to guide the correct role, based on the theme of teaching, rational design of teaching content, avoid invalid information too much, so that multimedia technology in color classes, handicraft classes and art appreciation classes play a role in the greatest . This article explores the role of multimedia teaching in junior high school art appreciation teaching.
利用 Yop1- Mc Ab- RIHA(反向间接血球凝集试验 )检测全国 17个生态型 10 5株鼠疫耶氏菌 (Yersinia pestis)强毒株和 4株弱毒标准株、6株不同血清型的假结核耶氏菌、4株小肠
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目的 :探讨 口呙 僻贴外用膏剂的制备方法及治疗面神经麻痹的疗效。方法 :采用松香、氧化锌、苯二甲酸二丁酯等做成的新基质 ,加入中药提取物 ,制成浅黄色的外贴膏剂 ,运用单
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