Report of an unusual renal mass:Primary renal lymphoma——Difficult procedure for laparoscopic surgery

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chanstan
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Lymphomas form a heterogenous group of clonal(neoplastic) diseases.Primary renal lymphoma(PRL) is rare. Diagnosis of primary renal lymphoma is important for the patients to receive appropriate therapy.Laparoscopic nephrectomy should be the standard procedure in most cases of both malignant and benign,renal tumors with the possible exception of tumor>10cm.Probably this case report of laparoscopic surgery of primary renal lymphoma is the first report of this kind and may be useful for the other laparoscopic surgeons.A 53 years-old man with unilateral primary renal lymphoma who had a history of renal colic and ESWL(Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) of the left kidney stone 3 years ago,he underwent laparoscopic radical left nephrectomy and chemotherapy. The patient was monitored for follow up for 4 months and had a significant improvement.Although treatment of lymphoma is now guided by phenotype of tumor,we found that appropriate treatment is possible after radical nephrectomy and assessment of pathology.Renal lesions may compeletly regress by appropriate treatment.There was not any report of laparoscopic surgery of PRL in our literature.We are reporting the first case of successful laparoscopic surgery of PRL successfully. Diagnosis of primary renal lymphoma (PRL) is rare. Diagnosis of primary renal lymphoma is important for the patient to receive appropriate therapy. Laparoscopic nephrectomy should be the standard procedure in most cases of both malignant and benign, renal tumors with the possible exception of tumor> 10 cm. Probably this case report of laparoscopic surgery of primary renal lymphoma is the first report of this kind and may be useful for the other laparoscopic surgeons. A 53 years-old man with unilateral primary renal lymphoma who had a history of renal colic and ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) of the left kidney stone 3 years ago, he underwent laparoscopic radical left nephrectomy and chemotherapy. The patient was monitored for follow up for 4 months and had a significant improvement .Although treatment of lymphoma is now guided by phenotype of tumor, we found that appropriate treatment is possible after radical nephrectomy and ass essment of pathology. Renal lesions may compeletly regress by appropriate treatment. There was not any report of laparoscopic surgery of PRL in our literature. We are reporting the first case of successful laparoscopic surgery of PRL successfully.
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