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The sweat slowly trickles down the side of his face, collecting in a crease of his skin. He flicks his head, almost imperceptibly, jolting the bead to continue its journey towards his chin.
密室之门    在上一集《哈利 波特与魔法石》中,哈利被引入一个神奇莫测的魔法世界中,在大开眼界的同时,年幼的哈利也不得不面对他生命中最险恶的敌人——伏地魔,在一场斗智斗勇的较量后,哈利凭借父母给予他的爱和自己的勇气,击退了这个魔法界的大魔头……转眼间,哈利在霍格活茨魔法学校第一年的学习顺利结束了,对于哈利而言,离开这个刚刚熟悉的魔法世界,回到女贞路的德斯礼家去,简直是件最痛苦的事情,他不得不去
利用扫描电镜对分月扇舟蛾Clostera anastomosis(L.)成虫触角感觉器的形态、结构进行了观察。扫描电镜观察结果表明,分月扇舟蛾触角由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,触角外侧面覆盖有鳞
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is a common malignant tumor of the biliary tree. It has poor prognosis with very low 5-year survival rates. Various imaging modalities
He was up before the sun, as usual. Standing out, in the field,he went through the slow choreographed movements of the tai chi regime that he had learnt years a
Helping young adults better manage their asthma may be as simple as sending asthma-related text messages to their mobile phones, according to a team of UK resea
The United Nations Human Development Program has released its yearly study on the quality of life for people around the world. The U-N report was started in 199
Spouses may share the same bed and even each thers mannensms(特殊习惯, 怪癖). Now scientists conclude that husbands and wives also share something not nearly as
1.概述 Agent思想出现于70年代,80年代后期才逐渐发展起来,现已融入到计算机的各个应用领域。Agent的思想最初来源于社会学、经济学与生态学等学科。美国Stanford大学的Y.Sh
In the modern world our way of life is constantly changing. Every year there are new fashions in clothes, games and music, and hundreds of scientific discoverie