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自我省1987年起,就把岗位培训作为档案干部教育的发展方向加以研究,进行有益的探讨.几年来,我们主要做了以下两方面的工作.1.健全岗位培训机制,完善管理体系.我省的档案人员岗位培训工作,从一开始就得到了省人事厅的大力支持和指导,做到了“一纳入二结合”,即把档案人员的岗位培训纳入国家机关工作人员的培训轨道,与人事管理结合,与公务员培训结合.1991年省人事厅又与我局联合制发了《关于开展全省档案人员岗位培训工作的意见》,这个培训意见对档案队伍建设的重要意义、档案人员岗位培训的基本要求、参加岗位培训的对象及如何管理与分工等问题,作了明确的阐述.并提出:“各级政府人事部门要积极支持档案人员岗位培训工作,搞好协调服务.”“档案人员的岗位培训要与国家公务员培训相衔接.”“学员经岗位培训考试考核后,合格者发给岗位培训合格证书,不合格者可进行一次补考,补考仍不合格者,档案局可建议有关部门从组织上进行调整.”“参加培训的情况和成绩记入个人档案,作为干部人事部门对档案人员任用、晋 Since 1987, we have studied job training as the development direction of file cadre education, and conducted a useful discussion.For several years, we mainly do the following two aspects: 1.We improve the job training system and improve the management system. Provincial file staff job training, from the beginning has been the Provincial Department of Personnel strong support and guidance, so that “a combination of two”, that is, the file staff job training into the national staff training track, and personnel Management combined with the civil service training combined with the 1991 Provincial Department of Personnel and the Bureau jointly issued “on the file to carry out the job of the province’s job training advice,” the importance of this training opinion on the construction of the file team, file staff job training Basic requirements, the object of participation in job training and how to manage and division of labor and other issues, made a clear statement and put forward: “The personnel departments at all levels of government should actively support the file staff job training, improve coordination services.” “Archivist Job training and national civil service training to convergence. ”“ After the trainee examination training, pass to the post Training certificate, unqualified who can make a make-up, make-up still unsatisfactory, the Archives may recommend that the relevant departments from the organization to adjust. ”" Participate in the training of the case and results credited to the personal files, as the cadre and personnel departments of archivists Appointment, Jin
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