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  Most of us have strange habits. Here’s one of Steve Sultanoff’s: From time to time, he goes out in public wearing a clown nose (and carries one with him always). His reasoning is pretty straightforward: “You just never know when a clown nose might come in handy1,” he says. Sultanoff also carries a false Elvis driver’s license, which he presents at hotels whenever he checks in.
  Strange as they sound, Sultanoff’s quirks2 serve a purpose. The psychologist and self-described “clinical mirthologist” is a hardcore proponent of the idea that humor,3 experienced often and in everyday life, can enhance one’s health, friendships, and even romantic relationships. And he’s right: Laughter, humor’s external measurement, is clinically shown to reduce blood pressure, increase pain tolerance, and boost the immune system. It even makes you sexier: A survey conducted this year by Discover and Match Media Group found that 67 percent of respondents cited having a sense of humor as “very” or “extremely” important in a potential mate.4

  Of course, for many of us, seeing someone bust out a clown nose at the DMV is more likely to induce an eye roll than a laugh.5 But it makes Sultanoff chuckle6, and that’s the point. Many people misunderstand humor as a purely relational experience—they focus on making better jokes, or coming up with the perfect quip7. But according to Sultanoff, the path to a better sense of humor starts from within. That’s because the building blocks8 of humor are universal: Most of what we find funny will translate to others. So if you’re looking for how to improve your sense of humor, you would do well to start by making yourself laugh. Here’s how to get there.

Know what funny means.

  Let’s start off by considering what humor really is. “You could start with the simple definition, which is that humor is what makes us laugh,” Sultanoff says. However, he notes that humor can be experienced without laughter, like when we type “lol” into a text message without laughing, or read a great Calvin
有志从事口译的人士应该根据口译的职业要求,养成良好的学习习惯。  卡扎·罗姆布是匈牙利著名女翻译家。25年间,她学习了16种语言。通过摸索,她总结了一套方法。对于有志于成为口译员的人士,其中有几条尤其有用:  第一条是小时的积累。她强调每天都要花一定的时间,不可间断。  第二条是多种学习方式的更换:阅读、写作、会话、听磁带、看电视等,以期在新鲜感中快速进步。对于口译方向的学习者而言,这不仅是新鲜感
Yrsa Daley-Ward, poet, model, and author, The Terrible  An app-heavy iPhone: I’d have open Tinder, Instagram, Grindr, a WhatsApp group conversation about inclusivity and representation in the media, T
提 要:本文首先介绍了编写《柯林斯高阶》(第8版)所基于的COBUILD英语语料库,然后通过对比分析,介绍了这本词典在例证和释义方面有别于其他英语学习词典的特点。文章认为,这本词典以它取材于真实语料的例证以及整句释义方式独树一帜。高阶学习者能在这本词典中体味到丰富的“真实英语”例证,而整句释义就像一位称职的英语教师,能有效地为学习者扫除英语学习过程中的各种障碍。  关键词:《柯林斯高阶》(第8版)
OUTDOOR:最初您是怎么接触到速攀这项运动的呢?  钟齐鑫:我在15岁初三的时候开始接触攀岩这项运动,一个老师介绍我去练攀岩,我当时也特别地好奇,就去做了一次尝试,第一次在教练的指导下在岩壁上拉了几个引体,当时感觉还是很不错的,比很多初学者都要好一些。在此之后我对攀岩这项运动越来越感兴趣,而我的启蒙教练丁承亮教授也根据我的身体特点建议我对速攀进行系统的训练。  OUTDOOR:您如何展望速攀这
The bicycles go by in twos and threes2—  There’s a dance in Billy Brennan’s barn to-night,  And there’s the half-talk code3 of mysteries  And the wink-and-elbow language of delight.4  Half-past eight
The English language is constantly evolving, and there are a multitude of words out there that don’t mean what they used to.1 We’re talking about common words that you use every day. We take them for
Thank you, Marie. And thank you esteemed members of the faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, squirming siblings.2  Congratulations to all of you…and especially to the magnificent Berkeley graduati
经历一拖再拖,The Wachowskis’的新片《木星上行》(Jupiter Ascending)终于赶在春季开学之际上映,也算为我辈,如一口吞下人参果的猪八戒一般慨叹“好端端的假期还未细细尝着些滋味,便过完了”的人们,带来一丝安慰。可惜,与两人上一部影片《云图》(Cloud Atlas)受到一致好评正相反,《木星上行》却被影评人和观者普遍贬低成“除了特效之外,几乎一钱不值的垃圾”——虽然死忠分