Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Tetragonal FeS Films on SrTiO_3(001) Substrates

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuxuchen0822
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We report the successful growth of the tetragonal FeS film with one or two unit-cell(UC) thickness on SrTiO_3(001)substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Large lattice constant mismatch with the substrate leads to high density of defects in single-UC FeS, while it has been significantly reduced in the double-UC thick film due to the lattice relaxation. The scanning tunneling spectra on the surface of the FeS thin film reveal the electronic doping effect of single-UC FeS from the substrate. In addition,at the Fermi level,the energy gaps of approximately 1.5 meV are observed in the films of both thicknesses at 4.6 K and below. The absence of coherence peaks of gap spectra may be related to the preformed Cooper-pairs without phase cOherence. We report the successful growth of the tetragonal FeS film with one or two unit-cell (UC) thickness on SrTiO 3 (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Large lattice constant mismatch with the substrate leads to high density of defects in single-UC FeS While it has been significantly reduced in the double-UC thick film due to the lattice relaxation. The scanning tunneling spectra on the surface of the FeS thin film reveal the electronic doping effect of single-UC FeS from the substrate. the Fermi level, the energy gaps of approximately 1.5 meV are observed in the films of both thicknesses at 4.6 K and below. The absence of coherence peaks of gap spectra may be related to the preformed Cooper-pairs without phase coherence.
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