Immune response to hepatitis B vaccine among patients on hemodialysis

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huaqizhang
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Infection with hepatitis B virus(HBV) poses a major health threat worldwide, where the magnitude and overburden of chronic carrier state approaches 150 million chronic carriers. The prevalence of HBV is greater among dialyzed patients compared to the general population owing to their increased vulnerability to blood and its products, along with hazards posed by contaminated hemodialysis tools and devices. Anelectronic systematic search of the published literature was carried and data on the immunological riposte to hepatitis B vaccination among hemodialysis patients was extracted from relevant studies. End stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis have a lower or an absolutely negative riposte to HBV vaccine. Several means have been tried to improve this response with some success, nevertheless none have been universally adopted. Genetic investigations are foreseen to make a break through concerning HBV vaccination. The prevalence of HBV is greater among dialyzed patients than to the general population owing to their increased vulnerability to blood and its products, along with hazards posed by contaminated hemodialysis tools and devices. Anelectronic systematic search of the published literature was carried and data on the immunological riposte to hepatitis B vaccination among hemodialysis patients was extracted from relevant studies. End stage renal disease patients on Several means have been tried to improve this response with some success, nevertheless none have been universially adopted. Genetic investigations are foreseen to make a breakthrough not found HBV vaccination.
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