
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niechunming521
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The characteristics of malignant melanoma arising in transplant patients are not clearly delineated.We describe clinical and histological features of malignant melanoma in five transplant patients.All transplant patients with melanoma arising post transplantation had a previous history of skin cancer.Two had a history of internal organ malignancy.Three patients had thick malignant melanomas(Clark level III or higher,or > 0.76 mm Breslow thickness).Lymph-node metastases occurred in one patient with cutaneous melanoma.Local cutaneous metastases occurred in one patient.Mean duration from transplantation tomelanoma was 15.6 years.Two cases of aggressive metastatic melanoma responded well to cessation of immunosuppression.Three patients with nonmetastatic disease responded well to conventional complete excision and continuation of immunosuppression. The characteristics of malignant melanoma arising in transplant patients are not clearly delineated. We describe clinical and histological features of malignant melanoma in five transplant patients. All transplant patients with melanoma arising post previous history of skin cancer.Two had a history of internal organ malignancy.Three patients had thick malignant melanomas (Clark level III or higher, or> 0.76 mm Breslow thickness). Lymph-node metastases occurred in one patient with cutaneous melanoma. Local cutaneous metastases occurred in one patient. Mian duration from transplantation to melanoma was 15.6 years.Two cases of aggressive metastatic melanoma who are well to cessation of immunosuppression. Patients with nonmetastatic diseases were well to conventional complete excision and continuation of immunosuppression.
国际桥梁及结构工程协会 (IABSE) 2 0 0 1年会议于 3月 2 0~ 2 1日在马耳他举行。协会的最高权力机构是常设委员会 ,年会期间通过投票决定协会重大事项。此次马耳他会议将选举产生
AIM: To investigate loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MSI) on the chromosomal region 1p36-pter in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) patients a
一、立定跳远的技术划分 立定跳远可分为准备姿势、蹬地、腾空和着地四个阶段,其中蹬地动作是关键。 (一)准备姿势 立定跳远的准备动作,是两臂预先上举和提踵,然后下蹲(髋膝关节屈,
本月全球药品研发进展取得成效的药物有24个,比上月增加了3个,获得新药注册的药品数量大幅反弹,而进入III期临床研究阶段的药品数量则比上月减少6个。 There were 24 drugs
目的分析EV71疫苗诱导BALB/c小鼠CD4+TCR Vβ基因家族克隆化改变,探讨EV71疫苗免疫机制。方法采用TCR克隆化检测试剂盒和基因扫描技术对EV71疫苗诱导的BALB/c小鼠CD4+TCRVβ
本文作者提出改变齿轮结构,可提高传动轴的刚度的方法。这对于齿轮变速箱的设计或在旧变速箱改装设计时,可解决传动轴刚度不足的问题。欢迎大家来稿作进一步的研究讨论 The au