EL CALAFATE 回归内心的原始与自然

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艾加拉法地的房子,像一个个汉字铺在棕红色的糙纸上。南半球的夏天,人们蜂拥来到这个阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚地区南部的重镇,登山、游水、赏冰。所谓“市中心”成了游人聚集之处。我心中的艾城不是摆满商铺、英语遍地的中心大街,也不是出名的莫雷诺冰川,而是骑马狂奔一天一夜都跑不出的草原和在大自然心窝里筑起小屋的人们。巴塔哥尼亚金黄色的草原无边无际,人烟稀少。实在的艾城人是和草一样扎根在土地里的牧民。这些高卓牛仔曾是草原的主人。他们不求富贵,只希望能自由生活。 The house of Ekrafati, like a Chinese character, is spread on brownish red paper. In the summer of the southern hemisphere, people flocked to the southern town of Patagonia in Argentina, hiking, swimming and watching ice. The so-called “city center ” has become a gathering place for tourists. Ai city in my heart is not the center of the street full of shops and English, nor is it the famous Moreno Glacier, but the grasslands where horses run all day long and people who build lodges in the heart of nature. Patagonia endless golden grasslands, sparsely populated. The actual Ai people are grass-roots herders who are rooted in the land. These noble cowboy was the owner of the prairie. They do not seek wealth, they only want to live freely.
功能介绍rnGeneralplus SPMP8000芯片是凌通科技有限公司推出的一款新型的掌上媒体处理芯片,采用256引脚封装形式.
The last twenty million years(Maastrichtian–Santonian) of Southern Hemisphere plesiosaur history is especially well recorded in the Weddellian Province(Patagonia; Western Antarctica and New Zealand).
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