
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shingang
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奉化县南浦公社前横大队地处平原粮产区。全大队161户,614人,耕田951亩,平均每人1.55亩。几年来,这个大队在毛主席革命路线指引下,认真贯彻农业“八字宪法”,实行科学种田,粮食产量在1965年超《纲要》的基础上,六年亩产超千斤,1970年达到1349斤,1971年虽然遭到严重的旱灾,粮食单产仍有1192斤。实践使他们认识到,多种春粮、多种三熟制是提高单位面积产量,实现稳产高产的重要途径。1971年该队大小麦面积由1970年的73亩扩大到336亩,占总面积的35%,平均亩产由1970年的497斤提高到516斤,总产增长3.7倍,获得丰 Fenghua Nanpu commune before the horizontal brigade is located in plain grain areas. The entire unit 161 households, 614 people, farming 951 mus, average per person 1.55 mus. In the past few years, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, this unit has conscientiously implemented the “Character Constitution” of agriculture and practiced scientific farming. On the basis of the super “outline” of 1965, the output of this brigade exceeded 1000 kg per mu in 1970 and reached 1349 kg in 1970 In 1971, despite severe drought, 1192 pounds of grain yield remained. Practice made them realize that a variety of spring grains and a variety of three-cropping systems are important ways to increase output per unit area and achieve stable and high-yield. In 1971, the size of wheat in the team expanded from 73 mu in 1970 to 336 mu, accounting for 35% of the total area. The average yield per mu was raised from 497 kg in 1970 to 516 kg with a 3.7-fold increase in total output.
我县位于赣东北,是一个典型的红壤丘陵地区。解放后,全县人民在毛主席革命路线的指引下,发扬不断革命和彻底革命的精神,经过长期的艰苦奋斗,消灭了血吸虫 My county is loc
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Background: To demonstrate the efficacy of positron emission tomography (PET) for examining multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with hemianopia. Case: A 20- year-o