
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuuxia
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根据当前晚稻主要病虫发生实况,结合气候条件、历史资料等因素综合分析,广西壮族自治区植保总站预计全区晚稻中后期主要病虫总体发生程度为4(5)级(总体偏重局部重度)。与上年同期相比,预计稻瘟病、稻纹枯病、三化螟等发生略重,稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟发生基本持平。1.稻瘟病。预计发生程度2(4)级,穗瘟发生面积220万亩。桂北、桂东南等历史发生区及种植感病品种的稻区病害流行可能性大。 Based on the current situation of major pests and diseases in late rice and the combined analysis of climatic conditions, historical data and other factors, the Plant Protection Terminology Station of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region predicts that the overall occurrence of major pests and diseases of late rice will be 4 (5) in the late stage of the whole region (with partial emphasis on local severeness). Compared with the same period of the previous year, the occurrence of rice blast, rice sheath blight and three stem borers are expected to be slightly heavier. The occurrence of planthoppers and rice leaf roller is basically the same. Rice blast Expected degree of occurrence 2 (4) level, ear blast blast area of ​​220 acres. Northern part of Guangxi, Southeast Guangxi and other historical areas and planting susceptible varieties of rice disease prevalence is large.
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寓言故事常常作为题目材料出现在高考作文中,其实,充满哲思的寓言故事也是写作时可以充分利用的素材。如若考生能够抓住寓言故事的要义,找到合适的切入点,将其灵活地运用于作文中,必会使文章增色不少。下面,我将介绍几种运用寓言故事类素材的方法,供同学们参考使用。  方法 {故事新编 以“新”取胜}  一些经典寓言故事比喻巧妙,寓意深远,早已为人们所熟知,然而,考生将寓言故事当材料使用时,如果对其主旨挖掘不深