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2011年4月1日讯,日前召开的全国森林防火工作电视电话会议上获悉,2010年我国共发生森林火灾7723起,受害森林面积4.57万hm2,人员伤亡108人,同比分别下降13、1和2。据介绍,在有关地区和部门的密切配合、共同努力下,全国上下克服极端天气增多和特大旱情带来的困难,千方百计,群策群力,森林火灾防控工作取得了明显成效。 April 1, 2011 hearing, recently held a national conference on forest fire prevention video conference was informed that in 2010 a total of 7723 forest fires occurred in China, the affected forest area of ​​45700 hm2, casualties 108 people, down 13,1 2. According to reports, with the close cooperation and joint efforts of the relevant regions and departments, the country has overcome the difficulties caused by the increase of extreme weather and the severe drought. By doing everything possible to make joint efforts and preventing and controlling forest fires, remarkable results have been achieved.
Low-angle faults include those occurring in thrust-nappe structures in a compressive setting and the detachment of metamorphic core complexes in an extensional
目的 :介绍应用放射性碘治疗乳头状和滤泡性甲状腺癌的情况。方法 :自由选择 1996年内经不同疗法的病人进行医疗健康研究。在地区癌中心和肿瘤登记局协调下 ,由外科、病理、
The dependence of transistor characteristics on grain boundary(GB) position in short-channel ZnO thin film transistors(TFTs) has been investigated using two-dim
在职业教育中,数学是大多数专业课的基础课程,数学运算能力对学生的数学有很大影响。本文讲述了职高学生的运算能力现状,并提出提高学生运算能力的建议。 In vocational edu
To increase the photoelectronic conversion efficiency of the single discharge tube and to meet the requirements of the laser cutting system,optimization of the
SELENIUM is an indispensable trace element to human beings and normal animals but if found in excessively high dietary concentrations, it can cause poisoning.
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