Synthesis of Nanocrystalline FeS_2 with Increased Band Gap for Solar Energy Harvesting

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803Tangxu
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In this paper,we have reported the synthesis of FeS_2 of higher band gap energy(2.75 eV) by using capping reagent and its successive application in organic-inorganic based hybrid solar cells.Hydrothermal route was adopted for preparing iron pyrite(FeS_2) nanoparticles with capping reagent PEG-400.The quality of synthesized FeS_2 material was confirmed by X-ray diffraction,field emission scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,Fourier transform infrared,thermogravimetric analyzer,and Raman study.The optical band gap energy and electro-chemical band gap energy of the synthesized FeS_2 were investigated by UV-vis spectrophotometry and cyclic voltammetry.Finally band gap engineered FeS_2 has been successfully used in conjunction with conjugated polymer MEHPPV for harvesting solar energy.The energy conversion efficiency was obtained as 0.064%with a fill-factor of 0.52. In this paper, we have reported the synthesis of FeS_2 of higher band gap energy (2.75 eV) by using capping reagent and its successive applications in organic-inorganic based hybrid solar cells. Hydrothermal route was adopted for preparing iron pyrite (FeS 2) nanoparticles with capping reagent PEG-400. The quality of synthesized FeS_2 material was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric analyzer, and Raman study. optical band gap energy and electro-chemical band gap energy of the synthesized FeS_2 were investigated by UV-vis spectrophotometry and cyclic voltammetry. Finaally band gap engineered FeS_2 has been successfully used in conjunction with conjugated polymer MEHPPV for harvesting solar energy. energy conversion efficiency was obtained as 0.064% with a fill -factor of 0.52.
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