Wear Behavior of Cu Matrix Composites Reinforced with Mixture of Carbon and Carbon Nanotubes

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchongzhan
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In order to improve wear resistance and decrease the cost, carbon and carbon nanotubes reinforced copper matrix composites were fabricated by the power metallurgy method. The effects of carbon (carbon and carbon nanotubes) volume fraction and applied load on the friction coefficient and wear rate under dry sliding of the composites were investigated at room temperature. By scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the worn surfaces and debris were observed, and wear mechanism was also analyzed and discussed. The experimental wear process consists of the run-in, steady wear and severe wear process with the increasing of sliding distance. Both the friction coefficient and wear rate of the composites first decrease and then increase with the increasing of carbon volume fraction. The minimum friction coefficient and wear rate are obtained when carbon is 4.0vol%. The wear mechanisms of the composites change from the adhesive wear and delamination wear to abrasive wear with the increasing of carbon volume fraction. In order to improve wear resistance and decrease the cost, carbon and carbon nanotubes reinforced copper matrix composites were fabricated by the power metallurgy method. The effects of carbon (carbon and carbon nanotubes) volume fraction and applied load on the friction coefficient and wear rate under dry sliding of the composites were investigated at room temperature. By scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the worn surfaces and debris were observed, and wear mechanism was also analyzed and discussed. The experimental wear process consists of the run-in, steady wear and Both the friction coefficient and wear rate of the composites first decrease and then increase with the increasing of carbon volume fraction. The minimum friction coefficient and wear rate are obtained when carbon is 4.0 vol%. The wear mechanisms of the composites change from the adhesive wear and delamination wear to abrasive wear with the increasing of carbo n volume fraction.
序幕ONE“我想在周末搞一次聚会。”爱丝奎恩·诺埃尔夫人已年过三十,有着堪比祖母绿灿烂的绿色眼睛,此刻它们正满怀渴望地看着诺埃尔先生。 Prologue ONE“I want to have
制作模型的材料有很多,例如桐木条、易拉罐、塑料饮料瓶等。现介绍一种用彩色塑料块制作小炮艇模型。彩色塑料块,我们可以从废旧海绵状塑料拖鞋选取。塑料块颜色鲜艳,制作容易,无毒,可以用普通胶水粘合。  A red plastic plate 30mm × 100mm  一个30毫米×100毫米红色塑料板  A blue plastic plate 30mm × 100mm  一个30毫米×100毫米蓝色
1月23日 晴  《海伦·凯勒》这本书记述的是一个真实的、感人肺腑的故事,我从中受益很多。  书中介绍了美国盲聋女学者海伦·凯勒的一生,她的眼睛失去光明,又失去了听力,可她凭着超人的毅力,学会了说话,并且学会了5种语言文字,她受过许多国家和人民的奖赏和赞扬,一生拥有无数的鲜花和掌声。一个盲聋残疾人,为何能取得如此大的成就?如果海伦屈服于不幸的命运,那么她将成为一个可怜而无知的人。然而她并没有向命运
1.不过一瞬间的事  6月8号下午,当最后一门英语考试结束的铃声响起时,整栋教学楼发出了巨大的轰响声。初夏与盛夏交接的阳光,人潮拥挤过后安静的楼道。抬头仰望这满天的碎云,以及爬满体育馆外墙的爬山虎,我想,这应该是我最后一次站在这条小道上看着这些看了三年的东西,以这样的姿态,这样的心情。来年的这个夏天,会不会也有一个学弟或者学妹这样地站在这里,看到的会不会也是同样的光景?  走出校门,妈妈站在夕阳的