A Vocal Ambassador

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leoric
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Chinese folk artist sings traditional songs in English On the afternoon of October 3,Chinese singer Yixuan Pang staged a solo concert titled Silk Road by Vocal Arts at the Carnegie Hall in New York City.At the concert,Pang not only performed Western classic works in German,French and Italian,but also sang Chinese folk songs such as The Rippling Brook in both Chinese and English. Chinese folk artist sings traditional songs in English On the afternoon of October 3, Chinese singer Yixuan Pang staged a solo concert titled Silk Road by Vocal Arts at the Carnegie Hall in New York City. At the concert, Pang not only performed Western classic works in German, French and Italian, but also sang Chinese folk songs such as The Rippling Brook in both Chinese and English.
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目的:探索α-促黑激素的合成工艺。方法:采用多肽固相合成法制备α-促黑激素。以Rink amide-MBHA树脂为载体、使用Fmoc保护策略、TBTU、HOBt、DIEA为缩合剂体系,最后用TFA、
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
In our daily life, we come across many things, a flower, a bird, a vase, or a picture, for example, without seeing them, or to be exact, without paying them an