Art is Long, Time is Fleeting: An Appreciation of John Keats'\\"Ode on a Grecian Urn\\

来源 :厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowbar
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In our daily life, we come across many things, a flower, a bird, a vase, or a picture, for example, without seeing them, or to be exact, without paying them any special attention. To ordinary eyes, they are what they are. But to the sharp, sensitive eyes of a poet, every object has its own beauty, and carries a message deeper than what it seems to do. Through his artistic work, the poet reveals to us the beauty and truth that are hidden from our mediocre eyes, and enables us to enjoy the beauty and see the truth that nature endows to its creations. An American critic once said,“All art is In our daily life, we come across many things, a flower, a bird, a vase, or a picture, for example, without seeing them, or to be exact, without paying them any special attention. they are. But to the sharp, sensitive eyes of a poet, every object has its own beauty, and carries a message more than what it seems to do. Through his artistic work, the poet reveals to us the beauty and truth that are hidden from our mediocre eyes, and enables us to enjoy the beauty and see the truth that nature endows to its creations. An American critic once said, ”All art is
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