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7月16日,江泽民总书记在考察中国社会科学院时,发表了关于大力加强全国哲学社会科学建设、为有中国特色社会主义事业服务的重要讲话。这篇重要讲话,是江泽民同志继去年“8·7”重要讲话和今年“4·28”重要讲话之后,又一篇关于繁荣和发展全国哲学社会科学事业的重要文献,在不到一年的时间里,江泽民总书记就社会科学发展问题,连续发表了三次重要讲话,这在我们党的历史上是前所未有的,充分体现了以江泽民总书记为核心的党中央对哲学社会科学的高度重视,为全国哲学社会科学事业的发展指明了方向。这篇重要讲话从治党兴国、全面推进建设有中国特 On July 16, when Generalissimo Jiang Zemin inspected the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, he delivered an important speech on vigorously strengthening the construction of the country’s philosophy and social sciences and serving the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This important speech is another important piece of comrade Jiang Zemin’s important document on the prosperity and development of the country’s philosophy and social science undertakings after the important remark of “8.7” last year and the “4.28” important speech this year. In less than a year During the time, General Secretary Jiang Zemin delivered three consecutive important speeches on the development of social science. This is unprecedented in the history of our party and fully reflects the great importance the Central Party Central Committee places on philosophy and social science with General Secretary Jiang Zemin as its core. It has pointed out the direction for the development of the philosophy and social science in the whole country. This important speech has gone from relying on the party and rejuvenating the country and comprehensively promoting the construction of China
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