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毛泽东同志是伟大的马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、战略家和理论家。作为一代伟人,他为新民主主义革命的胜利、社会主义革命的成功和社会主义建设的探索所作出的不可磨灭的历史功勋,将永载中华民族伟大复兴的光辉史册,永远为党和人民所铭记。一、永远铭记毛泽东同志创立和建设中国共产党的伟大历史贡献当毛泽东同志等中国共产党的缔造者登上中国政治舞台的时候,中华民族正在帝国主义、封建主义的黑暗统治之下苦苦挣扎。1840年鸦片战争后,中国社会逐步变成一个半殖民地半封建的社会,中华民族日益陷入苦难的深渊。争取民族独立、人民解放和实现国家富强、人民富裕,成为近代以来中国人民面临的两大历史任务。哪种理论能够对实现这两大历史任务提供行动指南,它就会成为中国人民的坚定信仰;哪条道路能够引导中国人民完成 Comrade Mao Zedong is a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist. As a generation of great people, for the indelible historical meritorious explorations made by the victory of the new-democratic revolution, the success of the socialist revolution and the exploration of socialist construction, he will never leave the glorious annals of history that will forever rejuvenate the Chinese nation as the party and the people Remember. I. Always remembering the great historical contribution Comrade Mao Zedong founded and building the Chinese Communist Party When Comrade Mao Zedong and other Chinese Communist Party builders boarded the Chinese political arena, the Chinese nation is struggling under the dark rule of imperialism and feudalism. After the Opium War in 1840, Chinese society gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the Chinese nation was increasingly plunged into the abyss of misery. Striving for national independence, liberation of the people and realizing the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people have become the two major historical tasks the Chinese people are facing in modern times. Which theory can provide a guide for action in realizing these two historical tasks will become the firm belief of the Chinese people and which one can guide the Chinese people to complete
张帆创意美术工作室 编绘
强肝饮系裴正学老师积40年临床经验,治疗肝硬化腹水之专方。药物组成:当归10g,白芍15g,白术10g,茯苓12g,柴胡10g,丹皮6g,山栀子10g,生地12g,丹参30g,黄芪30g,黄精20g,鳖甲15g,土鳖虫6g。自1986年以来,笔者在裴... Strong liver drink Pe
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作文是语文考试的重头戏。写作的成败,是检验语文教学成果优劣的重要标准。如何让学生喜欢写作,如何让学生写出漂亮的文章,成为我们思考的问题。为了进一步了解并掌握小学中高年级学生的习作现状,以便于更好地指导学生习作,近日,我对我校一百多名四、五、六年级学生进行了问卷调查,并查阅了他们的作文、日记,并将调查结果进行统计分析:  一、学生对待日记的态度  在受访的学生中,喜欢写日记的占40%,其余均不喜欢;
一、绿色建筑 绿色作为一种文化,是指人类仿效绿色植物,取之自然又回报自然而创造的有利于大自然平衡,实现经济、环境和生活质量之间相互促进与协调发展的文化。绿色建筑是