Abnormal layering of muscularis propria as a cause of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction:A case r

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ososxx
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Visceral myopathy is one of the causes of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Most cases pathologically reveal degenerative changes of myocytes or muscularis propia atrophy and fibrosis. Abnormal layering of muscularis propria is extremely rare. We report a case of a 9-mo-old Thai male baby who presented with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Histologic findings showed abnormal layering of small intestinal muscularis propria with an additional oblique layer and aberrant muscularization in serosa. The patient also had a short small bowel without malrotation, brachydactyly,and absence of the 2nd to 4th middle phalanges of both hands. The patient was treated with cisapride and combined parenteral and enteral nutritional support.He had gradual clinical improvement and gained body weight. Subsequently, the parenteral nutrition was discontinued. The previously reported cases are reviewed and discussed. Visceral myopathy is one of the causes of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Most cases pathologically reveal degenerative changes of myocytes or muscularis propia atrophy and fibrosis. Abnormal layering of muscularis propria is extremely rare. We report a case of a 9-mo-old Thai Histologic findings showed abnormal layering of small intestinal muscularis propria with an additional oblique layer and aberrant muscularization in serosa. The patient also had a short small bowel without malrotation, brachydactyly, and absence of the 2nd to 4th middle phalanges of both hands. The patient was treated with cisapride and combined parenteral and enteral nutrition support. He had gradual clinical improvement and gained body weight. The previously reported cases were both reviewed and discussed.
目的观察小剂量雌孕激素联合使用防治绝经后骨质疏松症的临床疗效。方法对 195例绝经后骨质疏松患者 ,分别采用复方尼尔雌醇 ( 12 3例 )和安慰剂 ( 72例 )对比治疗。
In the epidemiologic context of maternal obesity and type 2 diabetes(T2D),the incidence of gestational diabetes has significantly increased in the last decades.
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