
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong549
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随着金融在社会经济地位的提高,各种各样的金融犯罪不只呈上升趋势,占所有经济犯罪案件的30%以上,而且犯罪行为也呈现出多样化、隐蔽化、智能化及犯罪分子年轻化的特点。因此,严加防范和根治金融犯罪是亟待解决的重大课题。一、金融犯罪成因(一)金融法规不完备,立法滞后。在金融管理上,长期以来我们主要靠行政手段,法制还不健全。如随着市场经济的发展,我国金融机构开展了大量新的金融业务,更新了一些金融业务手段,信用证、信用卡以及其他金融票证被广泛使用,证券业务、保险业务、股票业务发展很快,但是,相应的金融立法却未能及时跟上,使得金融领域无法可依的现象还相当普遍。 With the improvement of financial status in the society and economy, various financial crimes have not only risen upward, accounting for more than 30% of all economic crime cases, but also diversified criminal behaviors, concealed, intelligent and criminals young The characteristics of the Therefore, strictly preventing and eliminating financial crime is a major issue to be solved urgently. First, the causes of financial crime (a) incomplete financial regulations, legislation lags behind. In terms of financial management, we have mainly relied on administrative measures for a long time and the legal system is still not sound. With the development of market economy, China’s financial institutions have carried out a large number of new financial businesses and updated some financial business methods. Credit cards, credit cards and other financial bills are widely used, and the securities business, insurance business and stock business are developing rapidly. However, the corresponding financial legislation failed to keep up with the situation in a timely manner, making the phenomenon of financial instability still quite common.
髌骨纵行骨折较少见,对它的认识不足,以及缺少相应的检查,常易被漏诊。1.病例介绍 患者王某,男,35岁,因搬石块,脚下不稳而跪翻在地,伤及左膝。检查:左膝前方局部有皮损区,并
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