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目的分析内蒙古2006-2010年甲乙类自然疫源及虫媒传染病的特点,掌握我区甲乙类自然疫源及虫媒传染病的流行特征,为有效控制提供依据。方法统计和分析2006-2010年中国疾病预防控制中心《中国疾病预防控制信息系统》中内蒙古地区甲乙类自然疫源及虫媒传染病数据。结果 (1)2006-2010年,内蒙古甲乙类自然疫源和虫媒传染病发病60 774例,死亡30例,总发病率为50.53/10万,年均发病率10.11/10万,无甲类发病,发病率呈现逐年升高趋势(P<0.05)。发病前三位的病种分别是布病、出血热和炭疽。(2)地区分布:2006-2010年发病最高的地区前五位是锡林郭勒盟、乌兰察布市、呼伦贝尔市、兴安盟和赤峰市。(3)人群分布:高危职业主要是农民和牧民(P<0.05),占5年发总病的87.37%;发病73.72%主要集中在25~55岁;男女性别比2.28︰1。(4)时间分布:全年均可发病,发病高峰为3-6月份,约占发病总数的66.18%,5月份发病数最高、12月份最低(P<0.05)。结论内蒙古甲乙类自然疫源和虫媒传染病发病呈现逐年增加趋势,有鲜明的地区聚集性、季节特点和人群特征,今后应该做好高发地区、高发人群和高发时间的预防控制工作。 Objective To analyze the characteristics of natural epidemic of Class A and B infectious diseases in Inner Mongolia from 2006 to 2010 and to grasp the epidemiological characteristics of Class A and B natural epidemic and zoonotic diseases in Inner Mongolia so as to provide the basis for effective control. Methods Statistics and analysis of Class A and B natural epidemic and insect-borne diseases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 2006 to 2010 in China CDC. Results (1) From 2006 to 2010, there were 60 774 cases of natural foci of A and B infectious diseases and 30 cases of deadly infectious diseases in Inner Mongolia, with a total incidence of 50.53 / 100 000 with an average annual incidence of 10.11 / Incidence, the incidence showed a trend of increasing year by year (P <0.05). The first three diseases were brucellosis, hemorrhagic fever and anthrax. (2) Regional distribution: The top five regions with the highest incidence in 2006-2010 are Xilin Gol League, Wulanchabu City, Hulun Buir City, Xing’an League and Chifeng City. (3) Distribution of population: High-risk occupations are mainly farmers and herdsmen (P <0.05), accounting for 87.37% of the total cases in 5 years; 73.72% of cases are mainly in 25-55 years old; sex ratio is 2.28︰1. (4) Time distribution: The disease can be affected throughout the year. The peak incidence is from March to June, accounting for 66.18% of the total. The highest incidence was in May and the lowest was in December (P <0.05). Conclusion The epidemic situation of Class A and B infectious diseases in Inner Mongolia shows an increasing trend year by year with distinct regional clustering, seasonal characteristics and population characteristics. In the future, prevention and control of high-incidence areas, high incidence population and high incidence time should be done.
目的 探讨脑血运重建在慢性脑缺血性疾病治疗中的临床应用;方法 选取我院2016年1月-2017年1月收治的烟雾病患者70例,慢性症状性ICA/MCA闭塞的患者17例进行脑血运重建手术;结
<正> 鉴于维生素A、铁、叶酸和维生素B_(12)这几种营养素的重要公共卫生学意义及近年来对营养素需要量研究的进展,联合国粮农组织及世界卫生组织于1985年联合组织了专家会议