感知内容 品析题意 准确作答——也谈现代文阅读的方法

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概览2003年各地现代文阅读题,我们不难看出:主观题数量在增多,难度在加大,需要运用的知识面越来越广,而且还要有灵活运用知识的能力。有少部分同学考试中往往是自我感觉良好,结果失分较多。造成这种情形的原因很多,除了知识掌握不牢固以外,重要的一点是不会分析题意,不会结合原文思考问题。下面结合《故乡》片断,简析中考答题的要领。杨二嫂片断阅读“哈!这模样了!胡子这么长了!”一种尖利的怪声突然大叫起来。我吃了一吓,赶忙抬起头,却见一个凸颧骨,薄嘴唇,50岁上下的女人站在我面前,两手搭在髀间,没有系裙,张着两脚,正像一个画图仪器里细脚伶仃的圆规, At a glance At the 2003 reading questions in various modern languages, it is not difficult to see that the number of subjective questions is increasing, the difficulty is increasing, the knowledge that needs to be applied is more and more broad, and the ability to use knowledge flexibly is also required. A small number of classmates often feel good about themselves in the exams and lose more points. There are many reasons for this situation. Apart from the fact that knowledge is not well-held, it is important not to analyze the meaning of the questions and not to think in the language. The following combination of “hometown” section, a brief analysis of the essentials of the exam. Yang Erxuan reads in pieces “Ha! It looks like! The beard is so long!” A kind of sharp noise suddenly shouted. I took a fright and hurried to raise my head, but I saw a cheekbones and thin lips. The 50-year-old woman stood in front of me and put her hands on her cheeks. She did not have a kilt and two legs. She was like a drawing machine. Fine-feeted compasses,
<正> 我科自1970年1月至1987年12月共收治过敏性紫癜患儿116例,其中紫癜性肾炎54例(男35例,女19例)。发病年龄:4~6岁6例,7~12岁48例。发病季节以春秋季为多。发病前有上呼吸道
本文报告24例粘多糖病,其中MPSI-Hurler 15例,MPSⅣ-Morguio9例,均经尿液生化或周围血象检查证实,并有典型的临床和X线表现.MPSI-Hurler的症状有:面丑(呈瘤样),角膜混浊,智力
<正> 近几年来,“数值诊断”发展很快。所谓数值诊断就是根据疾病的临床资料数据,应用数学的概率论、数理统计、数理逻辑、判别分析、数量化理论、模糊数学等方法来鉴别诊断
本文对406例儿童作声阻抗测试。测试结果,A 型鼓室图226例,其中124例声反射阈值在正常范围内,142例声反射阈值不是提高就是消失,占全部受检者的65.51%。B 型27例,占6.65%,其
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