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专题跟踪服务是读者服务工作的重要内容,在当前信息社会,读者要求日益丰富、复杂的情况下,作为直接面向读者的服务部门应当如何开展这项工作,以满足读者获取信息、拓展知识的高层次需求,已提上议事日程。几年来,我跟踪了几个专题。有的题目,作者已有专著、教材出版;我整理的索引,有的已作为市卫生局党校系统研究生教学参考资料,为教学和科研起到一点作用。一、专题跟踪服务,是促进党校早出、多出科研成果的好方法。它是一种主动的情报服务,能解决情报与用户需要不对号的矛盾,克服报导式情报服务理论深度不够的缺陷,也为情报资料工作者压了担子。由于专题跟踪服务的学科范围明确,还可以把有限的人力与时间集中到专题上去,使情报服务有的放矢。对科研人员来说,有我们当耳目,他们就 Subject tracking service is an important content of reader service. In the current information society, readers increasingly rich and complex circumstances, as a direct service for readers, how to carry out this work to meet the readers access to information, expand knowledge high The level of demand, has been put on the agenda. In recent years, I have tracked several topics. Some topics, the author has monographs, textbooks published; indexed by me, and some have been used as a reference material for the graduate school of the Party School of the Municipal Health Bureau, for teaching and research play a role. First, the topic tracking service is to promote the party school early out, more scientific research a good way. It is a kind of active intelligence service that can solve the contradiction between intelligence and user needs, overcome the defect that the depth of the theory of intelligence service is not enough, and also pressured the intelligence information workers. Due to the clear scope of subject tracking services, the limited manpower and time can also be concentrated on the topic and the information service targeted. For the researchers, we should be familiar with them
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