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云雾深处洞天村梁之柳冬季,如果你实在不喜欢万物凋零的景象,不妨去走一趟广西桂平麻桐镇的洞天村,去看白石山。这时的洞天村和白石山,远远近近都蒙上了一层薄薄的云雾,终日不散,专等第一声春雷来震开似的。洞天村及其壮族村民,便藏在大山里,神秘而传奇。它是桂平... The depths of the sky Caves village Dongliuliu winter, if you really do not like the scene of all things withering, may wish to go to a trip to Guangxi Gui Ping Ma Tung town Cave Village, to see White Rock Hill. At this moment, the village of Dongtian and Mount Whitehead were far behind with a thin layer of cloud that disappeared all day long. Dongtian Village and its Zhuang villagers, they hid in the mountains, mysterious and legendary. It is Guiping ...
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目的分析许昌市手足口病的流行病学特征,为手足口病防治提供依据。方法运用描述流行病学的方法,对许昌市2009~2011年手足口病数据进行分析。结果 2009~2011年累计报告手足口病1
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