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小学语文课外阅读教学的主要任务就是不断地培养小学生自主阅读的能力,使小学生能够掌握科学合理的阅读习惯和阅读方式。为此教师在开展日常的课外阅读课程教学时要加强对学生创造性和主动性的培养,为他们日后进行自主阅读打下基础。一、明确的任务教学培养学生的自主阅读能力其实就是培养学生在阅读时与文章直接交流的能力,以及对文章的理解力和感悟力,教师在开展课外阅读课程教学时,要让学生以自身的喜好和经验为出发点来展开阅读,对文章中所获取的信息 The main task of primary school Chinese extra-curricular reading teaching is to continually cultivate the ability of primary school students to read autonomously, so that primary school students can master the scientific and reasonable reading habit and reading style. For this reason, teachers should enhance their creativity and initiative in daily extra-curricular reading teaching and lay the foundation for their future independent reading. First, a clear task of teaching students to develop their own independent reading ability is actually to develop students in reading the article with the ability to communicate directly with the article, as well as the comprehension and perception of the article, teachers in extracurricular reading course teaching, let students take their own The preferences and experience as a starting point to read, the information obtained in the article
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唐山钢铁(集团)公司三期连铸工程最后1台连铸机,日前热试车成功并投入试生产。至此,每年转炉产钢210万吨的唐钢已具备转炉炼钢全连铸生产条件。 唐钢二炼钢厂三期连铸工程投
1982年5月,美国康乃尔大学(Cornell University)怀特(R.N White)教授来我国西南交通大学讲学,其中介绍了美国最近提出的桥梁抗震设计要点。这些要点是根据美国加州、新西兰
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学生对写作素材的积累主要有两条途径,一是观察感悟生活,二是读书看报。但无论哪种途径,究其本质而言,源头仍然是生活。生活是写作的源泉。没有生活,写作便成了无源之水,无本之木。只有热爱生活并善于观察的人,才能从生活中发现素材,积累素材,蓄积感情,从而产生强烈的写作欲望。  中学生擅长形象思维,其情感往往是在一定的情境中产生的。赞可夫曾经说过:“应该打开窗户,让沸腾的社会生活,奇异的自然现象,映入学生的