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科技情报交流方式与科技发展水平科学技术的发展在很大程度上取决于科技情报交流的速度。科技情报交流基本上有两种方式:一种是直接式,科技人员面对面地交流情报;另一种是间接式,科技人员通过媒介物(图书、期刊)交流情报。科学技术历史发展表明:以某种方式为主的科技情报交流体系必须与当时的科技水平相适应。16世纪以前,科学技术水平相当低,科技情报交流以直接方式为主,到了16世纪,近代自然科学诞生,以图书为为主的间接交流方式 The Way of Scientific and Technological Information Exchange and the Development of Science and Technology The development of science and technology depends to a large extent on the speed of exchange of scientific and technological information. There are basically two modes for the exchange of scientific and technological information: one is direct type, and the scientific and technological personnel exchange information face to face; the other is indirect type. Scientific and technological personnel exchange information through media (books, periodicals). The historical development of science and technology shows that the system for the exchange of scientific and technological information mainly based on some form must be compatible with the science and technology at that time. Before the 16th century, the level of science and technology was rather low. The exchange of science and technology information was dominated by direct methods. By the 16th century, the birth of modern natural sciences and the indirect communication mode based on books
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本文提出施工设备管理状态所包含的各主要因素及其评价等级,用模糊数学方法进行综合评判和模式识别。方法的基本思想亦适于其它企业的设备。 This paper puts forward the m
轰隆隆,沙沙沙,春雷春雨都来了。习惯了冬眠的小呱呱,只好伸个懒腰起床啦。怎么,小客人们都来了?你问咱今天的话题?嗨,还是让小客人们自己告诉你吧。 Rumble, rustle, Chunl