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本文概述了CuNiSn合金系的发展。介绍了Cu-12Ni-8Sn合金的实验方法。为获得高强度耐屈服性能,合金采用形变热处理。即是通过800℃固溶处理,70-90%冷变形,350-400℃时效处理三个步骤,把冷变形和热处理结合起来以达到强化合金的目的。合金经斯皮诺答尔分解,使合金强化,同时,不易发生过时效现象。文中研究和讨论了加工硬化,热处理规范对其性能的影响。Cu-12Ni-8Sn是一种形变时效强化型铜基弹性合金。它的机械性能与国外高强铍青铜的机械性能相当。通过透射电镜的观察,探讨了合金形变时效强化机理。合金用作WXD_3-13型精密多圈线绕电位器电刷材料,代替原使用的铍青铜合金。 This article outlines the development of CuNiSn alloy systems. The experimental method of Cu-12Ni-8Sn alloy is introduced. In order to obtain high strength and yield resistance, the alloy is treated by deformation heat treatment. That is through the 800 ℃ solution treatment, 70-90% cold deformation, 350-400 ℃ aging treatment of three steps, the cold deformation and heat treatment combined to achieve the purpose of strengthening the alloy. Alloy by Spinozol decomposition, so that the alloy, at the same time, not prone to over-aging phenomenon. The paper studies and discusses the impact of work hardening and heat treatment on its performance. Cu-12Ni-8Sn is a strain-aging-enhanced copper-based elastic alloy. Its mechanical properties and high strength beryllium bronze mechanical performance quite. Through the observation of transmission electron microscope, the mechanism of deformation aging of the alloy was discussed. Alloy used as WXD_3-13 type precision multi-turn around potentiometer brush material, instead of the original use of beryllium bronze alloy.
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