Association Between Serum Uric Acid and Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosed using HbA1c Criteria

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Objective To determine whether elevated serum uric acid(UA)levels are associated with type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1 c levels among Chinese adults.Methods We conducted two population-based cross-sectional studies in Qingdao in China in 2006 and 2009.A total of 6894(39.4% men)subjects aged 35-74 years were included in the data analysis.Newly diagnosed diabetes was defined as Hb A1 c level of ≥6.5%,and prediabetes was classified as Hb A1 c level between 5.7% and 6.4% according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria.Multivariate logistic regression was employed to assess the association between UA and prevalence of type 2 diabetes defined using Glycated hemoglobin A1c(Hb A1 c levels.Results Subjects with prediabetes had higher UA levels than those with normal glucose tolerance,newly diagnosed diabetes,and known diabetes,with corresponding values of 325.1(82.5)μmol/L,310.9(84.2)μmol/L,291.3(81.7)μmol/L,305.2(83.6)μmol/L,respectively(P<0.001 for all comparisons).Binary logistic regression analysis showed that UA was a possible predictor for the prevalence of type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1 c levels,and the second quartile of UA levels had a higher odds ratio(OR:4.088;95% CI:2.900-5.765)for Hb A1 c than the other quartiles after adjusting for age,body mass index,sex,marital status,education,income,alcohol consumption,smoking,and cardiometabolic parameters.Conclusion Serum UA is significantly associated with type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1 c levels,independent of other cardiometabolic parameters. Objective To determine whether elevated serum uric acid (UA) levels are associated with type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1c levels among Chinese adults. Methods We conducted two population-based cross-sectional studies in Qingdao in China in 2006 and 2009. Atotal of 6894 (39.4% men) subjects aged 35-74 years were included in the data analysis. Newly diagnosed diabetes was defined as Hb A1 c level of ≥6.5%, and prediabetes was classified as Hb A1 c level between 5.7% and 6.4% according to the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Multivariate logistic regression was employed to assess the association between UA and prevalence of type 2 diabetes defined using Glycated hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1 c levels. Results Subjects with prediabetes had higher UA levels than those with normal glucose tolerance , newly diagnosed diabetes, and known diabetes, with corresponding values ​​of 325.1 (82.5) μmol / L, 310.9 (84.2) μmol / L, 291.3 (81.7) μmol / L and 305.2 (83.6) μmol / for all comparisons) .Bina ry logistic regression analysis showed that UA was a possible predictor for the prevalence of type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1 c levels, and the second quartile of UA levels had a higher odds ratio (OR: 4.088; 95% CI: 2.900-5.765) for Hb A1 c than the other quartiles after adjusting for age, body mass index, sex, marital status, education, income, alcohol consumption, smoking, and cardiometabolic parameters. Conlusion Serum UA is significantly associated with type 2 diabetes diagnosed using Hb A1 c levels, independent of other cardiometabolic parameters.
时 间 名 称 地 点1月 陨石学和早期太阳系会议 美国5—9日 METEORITES AND THE 亚利桑那EARLY SOLAR SYSTEM 图森(Conference)8—10日 海洋盆地岩浆作用会议 英国MAGMATISM
教育部体育卫生与艺术教育司司长杨贵仁、中国学校体育研究会理事长宋尽贤出席会议,并发表讲话。中国学校体育研究会接纳“十城市”中小学体育教学研究会为正式团体会员 Yan
余幼从民间名师欧阳平老先生习少林短打、八封掌及长于山西大学求学拜先师陈盛甫教授,研习少林、武当内外家拳械,并得恩师指正短打技法。今二位恩师均驾鹤西去,感慨之余,特将短打拳术中之“兜弓拳实用剖练”整理成文,以飧读者。不妥之处,敬请行冢斧正。  兜弓拳特点 披身小架,拿打相合,擒摔相辅,贴身靠打,距离近,速度快,劲力猛,手法干脆利落,步法灵活多变。  下面笔者详述其实用技法剖练  一、兜弓拳单练法 