Research on Measures to Improve the Performance of Basic Pension Insurance Funds in China

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Virgin1988
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  【Abstract】 The current literature on the operation and management of pension insurance funds is still scarce, and the article on improving the operating income of basic pension insurance funds has not directly introduced and applied the performance concept. Therefore, this article intends to introduce performance theory to the basic pension insurance fund. During operation, discuss the importance and feasibility of performance for fund operation, and provide countermeasures to improve operation performance.
  【Key words】basic pension insurance fund; fund operation; performance evaluation
  Since the establishment of the National Social Security Fund (SSF) in 2000, the management and operation of basic pension insurance funds in China have basically achieved a transition from the local government to the SSF. There is still a large gap with developed countries. In order to improve the operating income of the basic pension insurance fund and realize the preservation and appreciation of the fund, it is necessary to introduce the concept of performance evaluation.
  1. Basis for evaluating the performance of basic pension insurance funds
  China’s basic endowment insurance fund uses a principal-agent mechanism. The basic idea of the principal-agent theory is to advocate the separation of ownership and management rights. The owner retains the remaining claim right and transfers the management right to the agent. This requires the agent of the fund to commit to the client the corresponding operating benefits and bear the corresponding responsibility, and the client needs to request and evaluate the agent. The performance evaluation method can allow the client to conduct more scientific supervision and evaluation. It can also generate incentives for agents.
  2. Problems Existing in Basic Pension Insurance Fund Operation
  The first, the lack of a scientific internal and external assessment and evaluation mechanism. China’s social insurance fund performance evaluation is part of the performance evaluation of public finance expenditure or as part of the government performance evaluation system. And there are only a few indicators of social insurance performance evaluation, only related to the relevant indicators of social insurance fund performance evaluation, not related to performance evaluation goals, performance evaluation processes and other related systems.
  Second, insufficient information disclosure. On the SSF’s official website, the annual reports of the two funds often lag behind by more than half a year, and the specific data released are only annual reports and accounting statements, and there are less than 60 valid data in the annual reports. The investment income of the sovereign pension fund is related to “life support money”. SSF is also an institutional investor with huge capital. Trigger domestic financial market volatility.   3. Measures to improve the operational performance of basic pension insurance funds
  First, establish and improve the performance evaluation mechanism for basic pension insurance funds. Based on the basic operating requirements of the basic pension insurance fund, based on the principles of profitability, safety, security, and sustainability of the fund operation, a scientific and effective evaluation index system for the operation performance of the fund pension insurance fund is established. Adhering to the unified guiding principles of profitability, safety, security and sustainability, the fund’s investment management capabilities are continuously improved to maximize the level of returns within the risk tolerance range.
  Second, strengthen investment supervision and information disclosure. Aiming at the “insider control” problem of the current pension fund investment management, it is necessary to establish an effective investment supervision mechanism and information disclosure system to improve the self-binding power of trustees, trustees and investment management agencies.
  [1]Zhang Yinghua.Governance Difficulties and Breakthrough Paths of Sovereign Pension Funds——On the Reform of China’s Sovereign Pension Fund Investment Governance System[J]. Jianghuai Tribune,2019(4).
【摘要】随着时代的发展与大学英语教学改革的不断推进,如何培养学生有效使用英语服务地方经济发展和文化认同与输出的能力成为应用型高校大学英语教学的重要目标。本文结合问卷调查,重点对目前大学英语教学中对于地方经济文化教学方面的缺失加以分析,就如何有效提升学生用英文表达地方经济文化的能力进行探讨并总结出一些方法措施。  【关键词】地方经济文化;大学英语教学;方法措施  【作者简介】尚丽莉(1986.02-
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【摘要】小学英语作为学生学习英语的初级阶段,需要奠定良好的基础,这就要求教师能够抓住小学生的心理特征,用趣味性教学来激发他们的学习兴趣。笔者认为要创设生动的趣味教学情境,提升学生学习兴趣;要采用探究式趣味学习方法,提升学生主观能动性;要采用直观教具进行趣味教学,提升教学效率;要通过游戏形式完成趣味教学,提升学生的参与度。  【关键词】小学英语;趣味教学;策略探究  【作者简介】苑东香,河北省涉县教
【摘要】学生在学习英语知识的时候,容易出现闭门造车的问题,需要有意识地与其他学生进行积极联系,通过小组合作的方式来了解英语知识学习的结构,掌握英语知识学习的方法,共同营造温馨的合作氛围,在小组中找到自己的定位。教师在教学中引导学生开展小组合作,可以帮助学生取得事半功倍的效果。  【关键词】初中英语;教学;学生;小组合作  【作者简介】华文娟,江苏省苏州市工业园区第八中学。  初中英语教师在教学中要
【摘要】在初中英语教学中学生的学习负担较大,将英语教学与英语歌曲、英语电影进行充分的结合能够有效地帮助学生实现英语水平的提升。基于此,本文首先研究了初中英语教学中存在的问题,然后分析了在英语教学当中英语歌曲以及电影的辅助教学方案,以供有关人士进行参考。  【关键词】英语歌曲;初中教学;辅助教育  【作者简介】刘榴,广西省南宁市宾阳县宾州镇第一初级中学。  初中阶段的英语教学应当结合学生的学习兴趣来
【摘要】帮助学困生克服在英语学习中的困难,引导他们挖掘学习上的潜能,提高他们在英语学习方面的积极性,逐步帮助他们提高英语成绩,是教师在长期的英语教学中不断努力解决的一大难题。  【关键词】学困生;成因;学习习惯;家庭环境;转化  【作者简介】甘信敏(1983.09-),女,汉族,山东滕州人,惠民县众友实验学校英语教师,中学二级。  作为一名初中英语一线教师,多年的教学中,我所面临的最头疼的群体就是
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