
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeibao123
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Purpose: To evaluate the IC score, a newly developed grading system for the morphological alterations of the ocular surface as a diagnostic tool in relation to type and severity of dry eye disease. Methods: Impression cytological specimens of 309 patients with simple dry eye (S-DE), 50 patients with Sjgren’s syndrome and dry eye (SS-DE), and 39 patients with connective tissue disease and dry eye (CTD-DE) were examined. In all, 10 different morphological parameters were judged with points (IC subscores) and summarized to the IC score. IC score and subscores were correlated to tear function test results and with each other. Results: SS-DE patients had the highest IC scores and IC subscores. IC scores and IC subscores correlated significantly with the fluorescein staining of the cornea in all three patient groups. They were correlated to the rose bengal score in SS-DE and S-DE patients. The analysis of the IC subscores showed that there are significant correlations between most of the morphological alterations investigated. This underlines the importance of each parameter for the summarized IC score. Conclusion: The IC score provides detailed information about the morphological alterations of the bulbar conjunctiva. It has proven to be useful for the differentiation of dry eye diseases and might help in the investigation of the pathogenesis of these diseases as well as for follow-up and therapy control. Purpose: To evaluate the IC score, a newly developed grading system for the morphological alterations of the ocular surface as a diagnostic tool in relation to type and severity of dry eye disease. Methods: Impression cytological specimens of 309 patients with simple dry eye (S -DE), 50 patients with Sjögren’s syndrome and dry eye (SS-DE), and 39 patients with connective tissue disease and dry eye (CTD-DE) were examined. In all, 10 different morphological parameters were judged with points IC subscores) and summarized to IC score. IC score and subscores were correlated to tear function test results and with each other. Results: SS-DE patients had the highest IC scores and IC subscores. IC scores and IC subscores correlated significantly with the They were correlated to the rose bengal score in SS-DE and S-DE patients. The analysis of the IC subscores showed that there are significant correlations between most of the morphological alterations investigated. This underline the importance of each parameter for the adjusted IC score. Conclusion: The IC score provides detailed information about the morphological alterations of the bulbar conjunctiva. It has proven to be useful for the differentiation of dry eye diseases and might help in the investigation of the pathogenesis of these diseases as well as for follow-up and therapy control.
编者按:2010年是爱国将领张治中将军诞辰120周年。6月E8月,整理者先后8次探访张将军已95岁高龄的长女张素我女士。张素我女士是社会活动家、曾任民革中央常委、欧关同学会副会长和全国妇联第六届副主席。她在向整理寿讲述她父亲追求和平的历史细节时,也无意中透露了自己不平凡的人生经历,特别是讲到了她与宋美龄的一些交往。    战时领导妇女、儿童工作    宋美龄身跨三个世纪,被认为是近代中国最有影响的