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我国的学校音乐教育起源于我国近代史上的学堂乐歌,其内容大部分是反映当时中国资产阶级知识分子要求学习欧美科学文明,实现“富国强兵”等爱国主义思想。其创作方法主要是采自日本、欧美歌曲曲调,填上新词,也有改曲记词的。虽然距离学堂乐歌的创办已经过去一百多年了,但是我国的学校音乐教育制度仍旧没有改变,仍是沿袭着“德奥体制”的音乐教育将大量资源用于传授西方音乐。不仅在课程设置上以西方音乐为主(如视唱练耳、音乐分析、音乐鉴赏、乐理等),同时在教育思想上、教育观念上也和本民族的音乐教育相差甚远。这种学校音乐教育使当代青年的审美思想与价值取向偏向于西方音乐体制下的音乐,对本民族的音乐感觉反而是陈旧的、不时髦的音乐,这对乡土音乐的传承十分不利,从而也看出了学校音乐教育对乡土音乐传承与发展的重要作用。 The school music education in our country originated from the school music in the modern history of our country. Most of its content reflects that the Chinese bourgeois intellectuals at that time demanded to study the scientific civilization in Europe and the United States and to realize patriotism such as “the rich and the powerful” and other patriotism. Its creation method is mainly taken from Japan, Europe and the United States song melody, fill in new words, but also change the song lyrics. Although more than a hundred years have passed since the founding of the School Songs, the school music education system in our country has not changed. The music education that follows the system of “De Austria” has devoted a great deal of resources to teaching western music. Not only in the curriculum set to Western music (such as solfeggio, music analysis, music appreciation, music theory, etc.), at the same time in educational philosophy, education concept and the national music education far cry from. This kind of school music education makes contemporary youth’s aesthetic thoughts and value orientation tend to be music under the western music system. Instead, the musical feeling of their own nation is instead of the old and unhealthy music, which is very unfavorable to the inheritance of local music, so as to see Out of the school music education on the local music heritage and development of the important role.
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