Fabrication and sintering behavior of high-nitrogen nickel-free stainless steels by metal injection

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caijunever
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High-nitrogen nickel-free stainless steels were fabricated by the metal injection molding technique using high nitrogen alloying powders and a mixture of three polymers as binders.Mixtures of metal powders and binders with various proportions were also investigated, and an optimum powder loading capacity was determined as 64vol%.Intact injection molded compacts were successfully obtained by regulating the processing parameters.The debinding process for molded compacts was optimized with a combination of thermo-gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry analysis.An optimum relative density and nitrogen content of the specimens are obtained at 1360℃,which are 97.8%and 0.79wt%,respectively. High-nitrogen nickel-free stainless steels were fabricated by the metal injection molding technique using high nitrogen alloying powders and a mixture of three polymers as binders. Mixtures of metal powders and binders with various proportions were also investigated, and an optimum powder loading capacity was determined as 64vol% .Intact injection molded compacts were successfully obtained by regulating the casting parameters. the debinding process for molded compacts was optimized with a combination of thermo-gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. An optimum relative density and nitrogen content of the specimens are obtained at 1360 ° C, which are 97.8% and 0.79% by weight, respectively.
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