Two Sides

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:memory_prince
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  There are two sides of me. I have a light side, but I have also a dark side. I cannot control my dark side. My dark side is made by different things. Like the fact that my parents sometimes pay no attention to me. They’re gone so much, and I hardly even know them. That makes me feel dark, and sad, and alone.
  But my light side has its time too. Like when I see happy couples walking in the forest together. They are so happy. That makes me feel happy too.
  My light side and my dark side never stop battling. I often ask myself. Which will come out on top?
  My sister makes me feel light and happy. I love playing with her. With her my light side gets control. But when I go to the beach and see kids having fun with their parents, I wish I could be like that. I feel jealous(嫉妒). I should feel a light feeling. But I feel dark.
  But then, one day, my mom and my dad came home from work at last. They smiled at me. They hugged me. I knew them. And I was happy. My light side came out on top.
  1. Question: What will make me happy?
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise
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