
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:no3ice
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本文认为,当前推进国有工业调整改革具有多层效应,有利于实现国有资产保值增值、促进经济转型发展,使各级政府获得新的资金来源,增强经济内生增长的动力。主要思路是:通过加快淘汰国有工业落后产能,在兼并重组中引进民间资本,减持国有上市公司股权,推进非上市国有企业改制等方式,盘活国有工业资产;然后确定运用这些资金的政策导向,优化国有资产布局,投向城乡重大基础设施建设、重要服务业和战略性新兴产业、重要的民生领域及相关产业,以及社保、医保等社会福利事业。 This article holds that at present, promoting the readjustment and reform of the state-owned industry has a multi-layer effect that is conducive to the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets and the promotion of economic restructuring and development, so that all levels of government can obtain new sources of funding and enhance the impetus for endogenous economic growth. The main idea is to activate the state-owned industrial assets by speeding up the elimination of the backward production capacity of state-owned industries, introducing private capital into mergers and acquisitions, reducing the shareholding of state-owned listed companies and promoting the restructuring of non-listed state-owned enterprises, and then determining the policy orientation of using these funds, We will optimize the layout of state-owned assets and invest in major infrastructure projects in urban and rural areas, important service industries and strategic emerging industries, important livelihood areas and related industries, and social welfare projects such as social security and medical insurance.
<正> 圆饼类锻件镦粗时,有时选用热轧方钢作坯料。采用方坯镦粗时,同用热轧圆钢镦粗一样,同样应遵守镦粗规则,即高边比((H_0/A_0)=m)的取值范围同样应在1.25~2.5之间(即1.25≤
<正> 对于摆动辗压过程的几何学关系的分析,前人已给出了适用于工程计算接触面积率的简化公式。但是,在实际摆辗过程中,除了摆辗第一个循环外,由于进给运动和摆头的旋转摆动,
我院自 1997年 12月至 1999年 12月间经手术治疗的前列腺增生病人 186例 ,其中有 8例患者前列腺摘除术后尿频和排尿困难 ,现将原因分析如下。1 临床资料本组 8例患者 ,年龄
TW19 is a diterpene compound isolated from the root cortex of Tripterygium Wil- fordii Hood. F.. Its effects on the immune function in ICR mice and the male
我院自 1990~ 1999年行耻骨上前列腺摘除术或经尿道前列腺气化电除术治疗前列腺增生症 30 4例 ,术后病理切片检出前列腺癌 10例 ,检出率 3.3%。现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 
2005年,热带风暴“麦莎”和“泰利”影响我国部分城市,海洋与渔业主管部门启动应急预案,周密部署, 协同作战,最大限度地降低了台风对渔业船舶的影响。尽管如此,仍有部分渔船