
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linqaz
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[目的]为了探索新的烤烟常见致香物质分类方法。[方法]以烤烟中常见的64种致香物质的相对分子质量为指标,采用聚类分析法对其进行分类、描述,并以中国云南省13个产烟地区的71份C3F和64份B2F烟叶为材料,对比分析了不同相对分子质量大小致香物质含量在其中的分布。[结果]以分子量为指标,64种致香物质可以通过聚类分析被分为3类,第一类是高分子量、高沸点,包括12种致香物质,平均分子量为(281.308±21.536)℃,平均沸点为(371.311±29.904)℃;第二类是低分子量、低沸点,包括27种物质,平均分子量为(103.722±13.115)℃,平均沸点为(176.132±42.342)℃;第三类是中等分子量、中等沸点,包括25种物质,平均分子量为175.393±24.906,平均沸点为(250.562±45.431)℃。大分子量致香物质含量以中部烟叶(547.344±224.391)μg/g显著高于上部烟叶(477.549±182.066)μg/g,小分子量致香物质含量以中部烟叶(17.46g±3.459)μg/g显著高于上部叶(15.936±3.456)μg/g,中等分子量致香物质含量以中部烟叶(44.931±8.953)μg/g极显著高于上部叶(37.997±6.042)μg/g。[结论]该研究提出了一种新的致香物质的分类方法,为特色烟叶的开发提供一定的理论基础。 [Objective] In order to explore the new method of classification of common aroma components of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] With the relative molecular mass of 64 kinds of aroma components common in flue - cured tobacco as index, the cluster analysis was used to classify and describe the relative molecular mass of 71 kinds of aroma components in 71 tobacco producing areas in China. Tobacco leaves were used as materials to analyze the distribution of aroma components in different molecular weight. [Result] Based on the molecular weight, 64 kinds of aroma components could be classified into 3 categories by cluster analysis. The first class was high molecular weight, high boiling point, including 12 kinds of aromatizing substances with average molecular weight of (281.308 ± 21.536) ℃ , The average boiling point is (371.311 ± 29.904) ℃; the second is low molecular weight, low boiling point, including 27 substances, the average molecular weight is (103.722 ± 13.115) ℃, the average boiling point is (176.132 ± 42.342) ℃; Medium molecular weight, medium boiling point, including 25 substances, the average molecular weight of 175.393 ± 24.906, the average boiling point of (250.562 ± 45.431) ℃. The contents of aroma components with large molecular weight were significantly higher in middle leaves (547.344 ± 224.391 μg / g) than in upper leaves (477.549 ± 182.066 μg / g), and those in middle leaves were significantly (17.46 ± 3.459) μg / g (15.936 ± 3.456) μg / g higher than that of the upper leaves (44.931 ± 8.953 μg / g), while the contents of aroma components of medium molecular weight were significantly higher than those of the upper leaves (37.997 ± 6.042 μg / g). [Conclusion] The study proposed a new method for the classification of aroma compounds, which provided some theoretical basis for the development of characteristic tobacco leaf.
本论文主要研究奇异点的检测和指纹细节点匹配方面的问题。   在奇异点检测上,我们提出了两种新的算法用于检测指纹奇异点,且两种算法都利用了Hough变换。第一个算法在零极
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本文主要研究了一类全空间上的强不定方程解的存在性问题,一类带有Pucci算子的完全非线性方程组的多解以及另一类带有Pucci算子的完全非线性方程组解的存在性问题。   第一
针对希尔伯特空间中的一般变分不等式,将其等价转化为变分包含问题.然后利用非精确邻近点算法求解.  首先,提出一种新的误差准则,在该准则下,证明了非精确邻近点算法具有全局收