消防部门精心策划 社会各界踊跃参与——宁波“119”消防宣传活动丰富多彩

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连日来,宁波市各地围绕“119”消防安全宣传日,开展丰富多彩的消防宣传教育活动,掀起了入冬以来防火宣传的第一个高潮。 11月9日,为形成消防宣传声势,宁波市区统一行动。早晨,市消防支队组织江东、江北、海曙三区消防官兵和1500名工人、学生代表,进行了规模宏大的119消防长跑。他们头戴标有119的消防帽,身着印有“119伴你平安”的运动衫,在警车、消防车引道下,分别从指定地点出发,途经热闹的环城北路、北郊路、解放路、中山路等,最后在解放路体育场汇合。一路上他们着装整齐,士气高昂,车内的广播喇叭不断向市民宣传消防安全的重要性,所到之处无不引来市民驻足观看。 上午,消防支队机关和海曙消防大队干警在阳光 In recent days, Ningbo City, around the “119” Fire Safety Propaganda Day, to carry out colorful fire prevention publicity and education activities, set off the first wave of fire prevention since the beginning of winter. November 9, to promote the momentum of fire protection, Ningbo unified action. Morning, the city fire brigade organized Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Haishu three fire officers and soldiers and 1,500 workers, student representatives, conducted a massive 119 fire long-distance running. They wear a 119-cap fire cap and a sweatshirt printed with “119 Peace of Your Peace”. Under the police and fire engines, they approach the designated locations via the bustling Huancheng North Road and Beijiao Lu , Jiefang Road, Zhongshan Road, etc. Finally, Jiefang Road Stadium convergence. Along the way, they are neatly dressed and have a high morale. The radio speakers in the car are constantly promoting the importance of fire safety to the public. Everywhere they go leads to the public watching. In the morning, fire brigade authorities and Haishu fire brigade police officers in the sunshine
In this work, novel Ca CO3/Ag2CO3/Ag I/Ag plasmonic photocatalysts were successfully synthesized by a two-step in situ ion exchange process and their photocatal
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