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  1. confirm vt. 证实;证明;确认;批准→confirmation n. 证实;确认(书);批准
  Please write to confirm your reservation. 预定后请来函确认。
  I’m waiting for confirmation of the test results. 我仍在等待考试结果的确认书。
  associate vt. & vi. 联系;联想→association n. 联盟;联想物
  inform vt. & vi. 告知;通知→information n. 消息;报道
  translate vt. & vi. 翻译→translation n. 译文
  2. slight adj. 轻微的;微小的→slightly adv. 稍微;轻微地
  I woke up with a slight headache. 我醒来时有点头痛。
  We took a slightly more direct route. 我们选择了一条略近的路线。
  wide adj. 宽阔的→widely adv. 广泛地
  obvious adj. 明显的→obviously adv. 显然地
  apparent adj. 显而易见的;表面的→apparently adv. 显然地;表面上地
  3. mix vt. & vi. 混合;调配→mixture n. 混合物
  If you mix blue and yellow, you will get green. 如果你将蓝色和黄色混合,会得到绿色。
  The city is a mixture of old and new buildings. 这个城市是新老建筑物兼而有之。
  We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror. 我们怀着惊恐交加的心情收听了这则消息。
  fail vt. & vi. 失败→failure n. 失败
  press vt. & vi. 按;挤;压→pressure n. 压力
  4. tradition n. 传统;风俗→traditional adj. 习俗的;传统的;惯例的→traditionally adv. 传统地
  By tradition, children play tricks on April 1st. 按照传统风俗,孩子们在四月一日捣乱戏弄别人。
  I don’t like wearing traditional dress. 我不喜欢穿传统的服装。
  The festival is traditionally held in May. 这个节日按照传统是五月份过的。
  nation n. 国家;民族→ national adj. 国家的;民族的→nationally adv. 全国性地;与某国有关地
  5. wealth n. 财富;丰富→ wealthy adj. 富有的;丰富的
  It’s said that they live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. 据说他们住在芝加哥的一处富人区。
  Good education often depends on wealth. 良好的教育通常依靠良好的经济条件。
  health n. 健康→ healthy adj. 健康的;健全的
  wind n. 风→windy adj. 刮风的
  6. impress vt. 使印象深刻;给……留下极深的印象→impression n. 印象→impressive adj. 印象深刻的;感人的
  We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us. 我们和很多申请人面谈了,但都没有给我们留下深刻印象。
  I got a good impression of him. 他给我留下了很好的印象。
  It is one of the most impressive novels of recent years. 它是近年来给人印象最深的小说之一。
  attract vt. & vi. 吸引;引起(注意)→attraction n. 吸引力→attractive adj. 有吸引力的;引人注目的
  instruct vt. 教授;训练;指导→instruction n. 教导;操作指南→instructive adj. 有教育意义的;有指导性的
  7. surround vt. & vi. 包围;围绕→surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的→surroundings n. 环境
  The tall trees surround the lake. 许多大树环绕在湖边。
  The surrounding area is desert. 周边的地区很荒凉。
  The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings. 这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。
  move vt. & vi.(使)感动;(使)移动→ moving adj. 行进的;移动的;感人的
  8. scene (可数名词)地点;场景;场面;情景→scenery (不可数名词)景色;风景;风光
  Firefighters were on the scene immediately. 消防队立刻赶到现场。
  The scenery is magnificent. 这里景色壮丽。
  poem n. (一首)诗→ poetry n.(总称)诗;诗歌
  jewel n. 首饰;珠宝→ jewellery n. (总称)珠宝;首饰
  1. To tell you the truth, I was deeply_________by his excellent speech.
  A. impressed B. stressed
  C. concerned D. confirmed
  2. Seen from space, the earth looks like a blue ball, with _________ 75% of its surface covered with water.
  A. relatively B. slightly
  C. approximately D. adequately
  3. The recent airplane crash _________my belief that stronger safety regulations are needed.
  A. unites B. confirms
  C. recognizes D. transforms
  4. I’d like to bring up my daughter in healthy _________ , so I would like to send her to the school with so many trees and flowers surrounding it.
  A. application B. decoration
  C. competition D. surroundings
  5. It’s difficult to tell this picture from that one because the differences are very_________ .
  A. narrow B. slight
  C. broad D. approximate
  6. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, _________and wise.
  A. punctual B. precise
  C. wealthy D. generous
  7. When I saw him again, his first reaction was a strange_________of joy and anger.
  A. happiness B. sight C. mixture D. memory
  8. When he arrived at the_________of the accident, the suspect had been taken away.
  A. location B. area C. scenery D. scene
  9. By _________, family members should get together during the Spring Festival no matter how far you live.
  A. tradition B. habit C. hobby D. benefit
  1~5 ACBDB 6~9 CCDA
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本文概述专用集成电路(ASIC)的设计技术,着重比较常用几种ASIC的类型的特点,描述了ASIC设计的不同方法.最后,介绍计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统的发展过程及展望. This article outlines the design techn