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小时候读林汉达先生编写的历史故事,把林先生当成历史学家,长大后才知道,林先生主攻的不是历史,而是语言和民众教育,又知道林先生还是拼音字方面的专家,他的《东周列国故事新编》最初就是用拼音字写的。林先生写历史,志不在史,而是扫除文盲,普及教育,开启民智,帮助国家富强起来。鸦片战争以后,特别是甲午战争的 When I was a kid, I read the historical story of Mr. Lin Han Da. When Mr. Lin was a historian, he grew up and knew that Mr. Lin did not focus on history but on language and popular education. He also knew that Mr. Lin was also an expert in pinyin characters. “East Week series of stories from the nation” was originally written in pinyin. Instead of writing history, Mr. Lin writes about history. Instead, he literally wipes out illiteracy, popularizes education, opens the wisdom of the people and helps the country become stronger and stronger. After the Opium War, especially in the Sino-Japanese War
Nowadays with the improvement in the degree of emphasis on new energy, the wind power system has developed more and more rapidly over the world. Usually the win
目的 观察豚鼠屈光状态、眼轴及巩膜形态学变化,了解五子衍宗方对形觉剥夺性近视眼的影响。方法 选择2周龄健康豚鼠100只,通过眼罩遮盖右眼42d制备形觉剥夺性近视模型,测量并
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Load Frequency Control (LFC) is one of power systems important requirements which maintain the zero steady-state errors in the frequency changing and restoring