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冬季:1月、12月平均温度-2摄氏度。巴朗山新修水泥路面后,冬季不封山,三条沟虽然积雪很深,但仍可浏览。 5-10月白天很热、早晚凉爽,中午穿长袖衬衫即可,早晚加外套。日照强烈,注意带宽沿帽防晒。 推荐游程 景区内行程一般是双桥沟、长坪沟和海子沟各一天,加上往返成都的2天,一共5天。比较特殊的线路是长坪沟内露营(2或3天)和登大姑娘山(2-3天)。节省的话,普通的行程应该只用500元左右就够了。 Winter: January, December average temperature of -2 degrees Celsius. Balun Hill newly built cement pavement, the winter does not close the mountain, although the deep three snow ditch, but can still browse. May-October hot during the day, morning and evening cool, long-sleeved shirt can be worn at noon, sooner or later plus a jacket. Sunshine strong, pay attention to bandwidth along the sun cap. Recommended tour Scenic area travel is generally Shuangqiaogou, Changping ditch and Haizi ditch one day, plus two days to and from Chengdu, a total of 5 days. The more special routes are camping in Changping Gully (2 or 3 days) and climbing the mountain girl (2-3 days). If you save, your normal trip should cost you only 500 yuan.
Arch dams suffer time-varying external loadings and harsh environment that harm their physical properties. With the aging of such dams, damage accumulates and c
一、活动简介 2003年8月15日,青岛第十三届国际啤酒节(“青岛啤酒”百年大庆)开幕,届时,来自全国各地的数百名摩托车爱好者自驾摩托车汇聚青岛,参加第十三届青岛国际啤酒节
In the Xiaowan arch dam there are massive temperature cracks nearly parallel to the dam axis. Obviously, whether the cracks may spread or not during the water s
Owing to the deficiency in early warning for high concrete dam,a formula was established to characterize the deformation behavior of high concrete dam as a whol
山东的旅游资源是非常丰厚的。而悠久灿烂的文化,影响深远的历史名人,众多的名胜古迹,丰富的森林景观,又成为山东森林公园特有的旅游资源。 Shandong’s tourism resources