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龙虎山,位于江西鹰潭市西南郊20公里处,是道教圣地。此地碧水丹山,峰奇石异,自西晋永嘉年间起,即为重要的道教活动场所。天师府,上清宫临水相望,飘逸不群。景区内有24岩,99峰。峭壁上有近百座战国时代的岩墓,极为罕见。是国家级风景名胜区。素有“神仙都会”,“洞天福地”的美称。 Dragon Tiger Mountain, located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province, 20 kilometers southwest of the Taoist Holy Land. Here Dan Shizuishan, peaks odd stone, since Yongjia Xijin years, that is an important venue for Taoism. Heavenly Master House, the Palace of Heavenly Purity across the water, elegant crowd. Scenic area has 24 rocks, 99 peaks. Nearly 100 rock tombs of the Warring States Period on the cliffs are extremely rare. Is a national scenic area. Known as “fairy will”, “paradise” reputation.
CCR1 is a CC chemokine receptor with high affinity for RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T cells expressed and secreted). CCR1 protein and mRNA concentr
Arch dams suffer time-varying external loadings and harsh environment that harm their physical properties. With the aging of such dams, damage accumulates and c
一、活动简介 2003年8月15日,青岛第十三届国际啤酒节(“青岛啤酒”百年大庆)开幕,届时,来自全国各地的数百名摩托车爱好者自驾摩托车汇聚青岛,参加第十三届青岛国际啤酒节
In the Xiaowan arch dam there are massive temperature cracks nearly parallel to the dam axis. Obviously, whether the cracks may spread or not during the water s
Owing to the deficiency in early warning for high concrete dam,a formula was established to characterize the deformation behavior of high concrete dam as a whol