
来源 :华北电力学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guohui413
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今年初,接霍英东教育基金会通知,我院电力系青年教师崔翔副教授获该会第二次高等院校青年教师基金和青年教师奖(研究类);动力系青年教师刘吉臻副教授获该会第二次高等院校青年教师奖(教学类)。崔翔副教授今年30岁,1984年在我院获硕士学位。1985年考入中国原子能科学研究院,就读于加速器物理学家谢羲教授,1988年5月以优异成绩获博士学位。毕业后回校任教。他致力于电磁场数值计算方面的科研工作,取得了突出成绩,有近20篇论文在国内外发表。其研究成果曾获水电部1986年度科技进步二等奖,国家教委1989年度科技进步二等奖;1988年被中国电机工程学会评为优秀科技工作者,同年获中国科协首届“青年科技奖”。 Earlier this year, Huo Yingdong Education Foundation was informed that Associate Professor Cui Xiang, a young teacher in the Department of Electric Power of the Institute, was awarded the Second Young Teachers Fund and Young Teacher Award (Research Category) by the Association for Young Teachers of Higher Education Institutions. Associate Professor Liu Jizhen, a young teacher in the Department of Power, Secondary College Young Teachers Award (teaching). Associate Cui Xiang, 30, is a 30-year-old master’s degree in our college in 1984. In 1985 admitted to China Institute of Atomic Energy, enrolled in accelerator physicist Professor Xie Xi, in May 1988 with a good result of a doctorate. Back to school after graduation. He has devoted himself to scientific research in numerical calculation of electromagnetic fields and has achieved outstanding results. Nearly 20 papers have been published at home and abroad. His research achievements have won the second prize of the Ministry of Water Resources in 1986 for scientific and technological progress and the second prize for scientific and technological progress in 1989 by the State Education Commission. In 1988, he was rated as outstanding science and technology worker by the China Society of Electrical Engineering, the first “Youth Science and Technology Award” .
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摘 要:队列队形练习是体育教学的重要环节和基本保证,它像一条线把教学内容串合起来,使体育课显得有条理性、连贯性。通过队列队形练习能提高学生练习的兴趣和积极性,是体育教学中必不可少的教学组织手段。  关键词:队列队形 教学改革教学效果    在最近的一些体育教学课中,已经没有过去那样的集合整队了,也没有了被认为是我国体育教学特色的队列练习了。难道体育教学中的整齐划一就都没有必要了吗?难道过去那种响亮