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  【Abstract】Secondary vocational school students have their unique psychological characteristics,mental health problems and behavioral problems,each one in-service teachers need to know and be able to use both psychological knowledge and skills to help vocational students to better learn and grow.
  【Key words】Vocational training of teachers; psychology; vocational students’ mental health problems
  “Secondary vocational school students’ psychological health education instruction summary”in July 2004 issued by the Ministry of Education said:“The goal of education is to improve the mental health of all students psychological quality,help students to establish mental health awareness,students optimistic psychological quality,psychological adjustment to enhance capacity,promote the healthy development of the personality of the students.”
  Ⅰ.the psychological characteristics of vocational students
  Most vocational school students is between 14-19 years old,in adolescence,there is a common psychological characteristics of adolescent students.But most of them also experienced the failure of the examination-oriented education is diverted from the“losers” and therefore has a different from ordinary high school students in the same age-specific psychological characteristics of groups.
  1.Adolescent students to psychological and behavioral characteristics.Rapid physical and mental development of adolescent students,their mental development and complex and full of contradictions,in psychology is called a dangerous period.
  Due to the rapid development of the body matures and sex,the students in this period will be more than their true psychological maturity“adult flu”,requires a certain social status and interpersonal status,eager to get the respect and trust of others.This is reflected in the school of life,reflecting the strong concern for their appearance and clothing,strong self-esteem,and focus on the development of personality,sometimes intentionally“made”with others different“personality”to show their difference.
  2.Vocational students the unique psychological and behavioral characteristics.Most of the students in vocational school exam results in poor childhood or mischievous,were teachers,students,parents,the community and even labeled “poor student” student “bad boy” label,they grow throughout childhood in do not get enough love and respect,and thus before puberty has shown some unique psychological characteristics.After entering vocational schools,it is considered to be of general education "losers",frustration further.This introverted,within attribution,quiet type of neural activity for students who usually manifested as depression,low self-esteem,withdrawal,withdrawal,etc.,may be to skip class,self-injury and other acts of self-mutilation to counter this frustration,while extroverts external attribution,excitatory neural activity for students who are often manifested as impulsiveness,irritability,paranoia,aggressive and strong emotions and behavior in order to gain an advantage in terms of violent way to get self-esteem,self-expression values.   Ⅱ.Vocational psychology teacher literacy status quo
  Currently full-time teachers in vocational schools and more from the following three ways: plain normal students (undergraduate),vocational teachers normal students (undergraduate) and to study the appropriate professional graduate.
  Currently most of the better conditions in vocational schools have set up specialized mental health counseling room and hire a qualified professional counseling teachers,but this is only suitable for a small number of serious psychological distress or mental disorder students scientific and effective counseling and coaching.
  Ⅲ.The importance of vocational training of literacy teachers of psychology
  In recent years,the entire academic and vocational education will be looking teacher training focused on“Double”teacher training,emphasizing professional skills training,has been relatively neglected use of psychological knowledge and skills to ease student knot inspire students learn the importance of interest.
  A 2010 survey conducted for medical school students,vocational students surveyed mental health problems overall detection rate of 25.5 percent,there are more of the former mental health problems and so few are: obsessive-compulsive symptoms,study pressure,depressed,balance,anxiety,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,maladaptive,the investigation concluded that the need for full participation in vocational education students’ mental health[2].2012 item in Liaoning,Jiangsu,Anhui,Hubei,Shanxi,Guangxi,Yunnan and other seven provinces (autonomous regions) in 1100 for the survey of students in vocational studies show that is highlighted and the general survey of psychological problems as depression vocational students ,weariness and escape learning,employment pressure,and the data show that there is mental confusion or disorder students,25.1% said they do not want to school counseling center for consultation,45.5% of students do not know whether they will take the initiative to seek psychological help only 29.5% of the students expressed their willingness to go to the school’s counseling center set up help[3].2013 in Guangdong Province,the use of 90 symptom self-assessment checklist (SCL-90) to a vocational school students in 1262 mental health survey shows[4],is obsessive-compulsive symptoms vocational students in the survey,interpersonal sensitivity factor is very prominent girls obsessive-compulsive symptoms,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,anxiety,terror score higher than boys,older students obsessive-compulsive symptoms,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,anxiety,hostility factor higher than freshmen,interpersonal sensitivity,terror,paranoia scores above the national high school students norm,the survey concluded that vocational students’ mental health is relatively low,the need to strengthen the mental health education,improve school mental health system.
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【摘要】对班级心理辅导的理论与实践研究一直是心理健康教育的一个热点问题。心理课的设计与实践应注重“以学生内心变化为中心”,重视学生情感和认知的变化,重新回归到学生内心层面,避免过于强调模式论教育的设计方式。  【关键词】班级心理辅导;起承转合;高中;潜能  【中图分类号】G441 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2016)43-0047-02  【作者简介】王海华,南京市燕子矶中
入门篇:认识配件种类和调校项目(下)  转向:这个项目是调节控制灵敏度的。EA的官方解释教导我们向右调整、非常的诡异,还是忘掉比较好。经过反复测试,向左调整,车子的极速会有明显的提升,所以尽量向左调会很实用,即便是操作上感觉不适应,也能通过练习慢慢熟悉的,我的LOTUS在DB赛道中将他调节到-3。  11、操控:他也属于悬吊系统的范围,EA在这里没有明确告诉我们操控到底是调节的什么,但是根据调校结
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写字是语文学习的一个重要方面,是继承和弘扬中华民族传统文化的一项基础工程,是学校素质教育的一项重要内容,抓好学生的书写,教师责无旁贷。小学阶段,如何在每天的语文课中安排10分钟的写字、练字教学,是我一直探索的问题。  一、巧用课堂10分钟,创设新型的写字教学方式  在有限的10分钟里,不妨尝试多样的教学方式。像师生交换角色,他们会模仿以往老师的教学方法,尝试当老师的滋味,这不仅需要学生在短时间内对