What Prince George’s Bathrobe Says About Modern Parents1 乔治王子的睡袍

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  Arguably2 the best thing that happened during the Obamas’ visit to England in April was the meeting between the president and two-year-old Prince George. The tiny royal, who had been allowed to stay up past his bedtime in order to meet Mr. and Mrs. Obama, shook hands with the leader of the free world—in his nightclothes.3 Moments after the photos of their meeting appeared online, the bathrobe Prince George had been wearing sold out4 in stores. It can’t be denied that the bathrobe was adorable. But what toddler5, in this day and age, wears a bathrobe?
  I can’t help but imagine those many bathrobes languishing in the closets and dresser drawers of children across the Western world in the weeks to come.6 So why did their parents buy them? Was it just to take one adorable photo to post on social media with a jokey caption declaring that now their Johnny was also ready to meet the president?7 Or was it something else? Something that had to do with seeing that little boy with his hair neatly combed and his pajamas neatly pressed that set off a yearning in the hearts of parents everywhere to return to the kind of lifestyle that Will and Kate represent?8
  While the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are refreshingly modern by royal standards, they are still quite old-fashioned by today’s parenting standards.9 In fact, they are very publicly living a life more commonly associated with the 1950s, with all the wholesomeness and family values that entails.10 Kate is essentially a stay-at-home mom. She is always impeccably11 dressed. Her children are neat and well-behaved12. Their household runs like clockwork.13 And William is unequivocally14 the head of the family.
  But does this really appeal to us? Aren’t we supposed to want something else, to “have it all?” Women should be able to maintain their careers and their homes without giving anything up. Men should take on15 an equal share of the housework and childcare. This is what we should want. But that little bathrobe suggests otherwise.
  When we see that little boy, looking like Michael Darling from Peter Pan, something pulls at our heartstrings.16 We want our children to look like that too. Not just to be adorable—although that’s part of it—but to embody17 that lifestyle. That’s a little boy who knows how to shake hands. He’ll look you in the eye and say “How do you do?” He’ll go straight to bed when he’s told and he’ll do it with a smile and a kiss.
  Of course, Will and Kate (and little George and his sister Charlotte) are royalty. And that adds to their appeal. It makes the life they live glamorous and aspirational.18 It filters out impediments to the 1950s lifestyle, like the difficulties of raising a family on one income or the drudgery of housework.19 But what we are left with is a glittering nugget of truth; the essence of the thing,20 rather than the details.   That bathrobe is a whimsical nod to a lifestyle we women have said we don’t want, one we’ve gleefully cast aside in order to pursue our careers, burn our bras, and order take-out instead of slaving away in the kitchen.21 But that bathrobe. We bought that bathrobe. And even though it will live in the back of the closet, we won’t throw it out. Because, we’ll tell ourselves, he might wear it one day. And, you never know, he just might.
  1. Prince George: 乔治小王子,是英国威廉王子与凯特王妃的长子;bathrobe: 浴衣,浴袍。
  2. arguably: 按理说,无疑地。
  3. royal: 王室成员,皇族;stay up: 深夜不睡,熬夜;nightclothes: 睡衣。
  4. sell out: 售空,卖光。
  5. toddler: 学步的儿童。
  6. 我不由得想象,接下来这几周,西方各国孩子们那么多的睡衣都将渐受冷落,沉寂在衣帽间和梳妆台的抽屉里。languish: 受苦,受折磨;closet: 壁橱,储藏间;dresser: 梳妆台。
  7. jokey: 逗乐的,举止滑稽的;caption: (图片、漫画的)说明文字。
  8. 也许是因为看到这个小男孩梳着服服帖帖的头发,穿着平整的睡衣睡裤,各地家长的心中油然生出一种渴望,想回归威廉王子夫妇所象征的那种老派的生活方式?pajama:(一套)睡衣裤;press: 熨平,压平;set off: 引发,触发;yearning: 渴望,向往。
  9. Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: 剑桥公爵和公爵夫人,指威廉王子夫妇;refreshingly: 令人耳目一新地,别具一格地;old-fashioned: 过时的,老旧的。
  10. wholesomeness: wholesome的名词形式,健康,有益身心;entail: 牵涉,需要。
  11. impeccably: 完美地,无瑕疵地。
  12. well-behaved: 彬彬有礼的,规规矩矩的。
  13. household: 家,家务;like clockwork: 准时地,很有规律地。
  14. unequivocally: 毫不含糊地,清楚明白地。
  15. take on: 承担,接受。
  16. Peter Pan:《彼得·潘》,是苏格兰小说家、剧作家詹姆斯·马修·巴利创作的文学作品,原名为《彼得·潘与温迪》(Peter Pan and Wendy); heartstring: 心弦,内心最深处的情感。
  17. embody: 体现,代表。
  18. glamorous: 富有魅力的,迷人的;aspirational: 励志的,激励人心的。
  19. 这也剔除了50年代生活方式中的重重阻碍,比如靠一个人的经济收入来养家的困难,或者家务劳动的单调乏味。filter out: 过滤掉,筛除;impediment: 妨碍,阻碍;drudgery: 单调乏味的苦差事,无聊的工作。
  20. glittering: 灿烂夺目的,闪闪发光的;nugget: 小块东西,尤指小金块;essence: 本质,实质。
  21. whimsical: 异想天开的,想入非非的;nod: 点头;gleefully: 欣喜地,激动地;cast aside: 抛弃,丢弃;take-out: 外卖;slave away: 拼命地工作,辛苦地干。
至少在未来几年内,直至2015年,伴随着中国的国内生产总值有望以8%至9%的年平均速度持续增长,所带来财富的增加,使得人们对汽车的需求也将水涨船高,根据我们的预测,到2015年,中国汽车年度销售量将超过1000万辆      每个高级管理人员都希望拥有一个能够预测未来的水晶球,让他们能够了解十年之后所在的行业将变成什么模样。当然,这只不过是个无法企及的梦想。  今天,我们将目光投向未来,试图描绘到
中国人很尊敬自己的老板,他们不敢说很多的想法。法国人就很麻烦,他们总是有很多意见。所以在中国管理人比在法国简单    尽管法国人盖拉的中文不是很熟练,但这位工程师出身的法国电信中国区CEO在中国却已经工作了12年,“1983年第一次来中国,之后不断到中国出差,1993年开始在中国工作。”他对《中国新时代》记者说,“中国是我的家,我在这工作,这个环境我很习惯,没有不舒服的感觉。”  与中国人打了多年
“我觉得《疯狂的石头》很容易把中国电影带入一个误区,虽然说我自己也投资了小成本电影,但我和他们是同步的,今后的追随者可能就不会这么幸运了。”    见到雪村的时候,他正从自己那辆开了很多年的桑塔纳黑轿车里钻出来,脚上穿着的是老北京特有的“片鞋”。这位刚刚转行投资电影的艺人,笑呵呵地说自己从来不会在排场方面多花一分钱,个人生活很简单。  然而,2006年夏天,整整一个七月,雪村开始变得有些急躁,理由
崭新的设计:个性鲜明的运动风尚  安全性:全天候、全路况设计理念  内饰:梅赛德斯式的运动风情和舒适标准    全新SL跑车作为“鸥翼”SL(1954年首次亮相)的后裔,不仅秉承了“鸥翼”SL的设计风格,而且延续了该车型系列无与伦比的传奇。迄今为止,梅赛德斯-奔驰 SL 跑车的销量已经超过了 63 万辆。  秉承前身车型的光荣传统,全新 SL 跑车依然享有着“无与伦比”的众多属性。在该细分市场中,
2006年全球最新同步上市的全新沃尔沃 S80是沃尔沃 (Volvo) 汽车公司新一代的旗舰车型,其由内而外散发出的尊贵与典雅,彰显出沃尔沃汽车在品质、人性、风格和智慧等方面的独特精神    智慧型预防式主动安全系统    全新一代沃尔沃 S80,为驾乘人员提供了智能高科技安全保障体系。在不断完善被动安全方面的基础上,更加突出了主动安全方面的诉求。    一整套智能主动安全措施能有效帮助车主降低事
自然四季循環交替,万物代代更迭,人类生老病死。这本是最基本的规律,但科技的进步让人有了种可超越自然法则的错觉,执迷于“更高、更快、更强”。实际上,即便是机械设备在运行时也会发生损耗,也有一定的使用周期。在快节奏的生活中,人更要好好利用生命中的“冬日”,给自己一点时间平心静气地休养生息,为的是待到春暖,自然花开。  “Winter is coming” is one frequent refrain
It’s on the tip of my tongue.话到嘴边就是想不起来。  有时候明明知道对方的名字却一时叫不出来。这时候最好努力地想一想,据说这样会让头脑变得更加聪明。  He’s too cocky.他太自大了。  大家都不喜欢过于自大、目中无人的人吧。He’s too cocky. 意思是“他太自大了。”  What a rip off!被宰了!  rip off 是“诈骗,欺诈”的
由于身陷巨额亏损、小灵通颓势难挡,一直在苦苦寻找合适的篮子存放鸡蛋,以规避风险的吴鹰,如果不能迅速找到准确的篮子,UT斯达康还能坚持多久?    对于UT斯达康来说,2006年是雪上加霜的一年,而2007年新年的到来,并没有给UT斯达康带来些许喜庆,尚未未摆脱纳市摘牌警告,璇玑又陷入期权丑闻,不知一直放豪言,将在今年扼住亏损,实现赢利的吴鹰心里做何感想。  曾几何时,这是一个被华尔街誉为时代神话的
对于绝大多数喜马拉雅登山者来说,每年只有5月和9月两个适合攀登的时间段。今年5月的攀登大潮来得格外凶猛,之前因地震而被压抑的需求已基本释放,市场的内在动力还是根本的原因—当过去遥不可及的高海拔攀登变得日益贴近大众时。  初步统计,在刚结束的这个登山季里,有超过700人登顶珠峰,是登顶人数最多的一年。其中澳大利亚登山者Steve Plain在登顶后创造了117天的世界七大洲最高峰攀登最快纪录。而不幸
2006年11月6日,上海通用汽车宣布,全功能超豪华SUV凯迪拉克·ESCALADE凯雷德在全国凯迪拉克品牌授权销售服务中心正式开始销售,售价108万元人民币。  自从今年7月广州车展亚洲首展以来,凯雷德迅速赢得众多成功人士的青睐与关注。在价格还未公布的情况下,已经接到了许多订单。    凯迪拉克·ESCALADE凯雷德凭借豪迈设计、澎湃强劲的动力操控、精致考究的豪华配备和固若金汤的安全保障,为中