Dropout Rademacher complexity of deep neural networks

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andyower_2009
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Great successes of deep neural networks have been witnessed in various real applications. Many algorithmic and implementation techniques have been developed; however, theoretical understanding of many aspects of deep neural networks is far from clear. A particular interesting issue is the usefulness of dropout,which was motivated from the intuition of preventing complex co-adaptation of feature detectors. In this paper,we study the Rademacher complexity of different types of dropouts, and our theoretical results disclose that for shallow neural networks(with one or none hidden layer) dropout is able to reduce the Rademacher complexity in polynomial, whereas for deep neural networks it can amazingly lead to an exponential reduction. Great algorithces and implementation techniques have been developed; however, theoretical understanding of many aspects of deep aspects of neural networks is far from clear. A particular interesting issue is the usefulness of dropout, which was motivated from the intuition of preventing complex co-adaptation of feature detectors. In this paper, we study the Rademacher complexity of different types of dropouts, and our theoretical results disclose that for shallow neural networks (with one or none hidden layer) dropout is able to reduce the Rademacher complexity in polynomial, whereas for deep neural networks it can amazingly lead to an exponential reduction.
1 前言rn光射入物质时会产生由它感生的极化.设入射光强为E,所产生的极化为P,则E和P的关系如下式所示P=χ(1)E+χ(2)E*E+χ(3)E*E*E+…(1) 式中,χ(1)为线性光敏感度,χ(2)、
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