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羊水栓塞症为一极严重的产科并发症病,常发生于产妇正常分娩、剖腹产或产后片刻。产妇往往突然死亡。本病临床虽少见,但后果非常严重。最近我院发生1例,现报告如下: 患者,女,28岁,足月妊娠,G_1(妊娠)P_0(分娩)。入院检查:神清,一般情况良好。心肺(-),各项常规化验正常。因系巨大儿,头盆不称,决定行剖腹产。入手术室时脉搏、血压正常。硬膜外穿刺成功,测试麻醉平面满意后,开始手术。术至取出1个约4.5公斤健康男婴止,病人各项监测正常。病人也无不适主诉。婴儿取出约2分钟,病人血压从120/90 mmHg开始下降至80/50 mmHg。病人开始主诉胸闷,呼吸困难,即用升压药升压,面罩给O_2处理,情况未见好转,2分钟后血压更低至50/20 Amniotic fluid embolism is a very serious obstetric complications, often occurs in the normal delivery of maternal, caesarean section or postpartum moment. Mothers often die suddenly. Although rare clinical disease, but the consequences are very serious. A recent case of our hospital, are as follows: Patients, female, 28 years old, full-term pregnancy, G_1 (pregnancy) P_ (delivery). Admission examination: God clear, the general situation is good. Cardiopulmonary (-), the routine test normal. Because of the huge children, cephalopelvic disproportion, decided to line caesarean section. Into the operating room pulse, normal blood pressure. Epidural puncture success, test satisfaction with the anesthesia plane, the surgery began. Surgery to remove a about 4.5 kg of healthy male only, the patient monitoring of normal. No complaints of patients complained. The infant was removed for about 2 minutes and the patient’s blood pressure decreased from 120/90 mmHg to 80/50 mmHg. Patients complained of chest tightness, difficulty breathing, that is, with vasopressors, masks to O2 treatment, the situation did not improve, 2 minutes later lower blood pressure to 50/20
我科门诊于1999年7月开始废弃龙胆紫,应用复春散配合复合光治疗宫颈糜烂,经临床观察疗效甚佳,现报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:本组108例,年龄在25岁~47岁之间,均为妇女
就《中国分类主题词表》在兼容性、互换性、注释、词汇控制、组配标引及录入上存在的问题进行分析 ,并提出相应的改进建议 Analyze the existing problems in the compatibi
患者男,57岁,因全身关节痛、肿胀5年加重2个月入院。既往身体健康。5年前出现双拇指,食指关节疼痛、肿胀,自服 Male patient, 57 years old, due to systemic joint pain, sw
To explore the effects of traditional herbal medicine Ganoderma tsugae(G.tsugae) on immunomodulatory and antitumor activities,the crude polysaccharides of G.tsu
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出血性输卵管炎在临床上并非罕见,但由于其临床表现酷似输卵管妊娠,故极容易发生误会、误治。本文总结20例误诊病例,希望对该症的诊治有所启示,以求降低误诊率。1 临床资料1