
来源 :油气田地面工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjf11230301
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大榆树区自 1 999年 1 1月陆续投入开发 ,油井采用提捞采油投产 ,水井采用常规管网注水 ,目前完钻 57口 ,射孔 36口 ,压裂 36口。采用提捞方式投入生产 35口 ,平均油层中部深度 879m。该区经过 1 2个月弹性溶解气驱阶段 ,于 2 0 0 0年 1 1月转入注水开发 ,共转注 9口井 ,日注水 1 35m3,累积注水 41 84m3,水驱控制程度为 64 8%。在试验区共投入 3套车组进行提捞生产 (单车生产能力在 81 0t/d) ,捞油周期 3d ,目前平均日产油 2 0 3t,累积产油 731 6 4t。通过近一年的开发 ,证明采用提捞采油方式投产可以满足该区开发需要。 Dayu Shu area since January 1999 January 1 successively put into the development of oil wells with oil extraction production, water wells using conventional pipe water, now finished drilling 57, 36 perforation, fracturing 36. Using the way of raising fishing put into production 35, the average depth of the central reservoir 879m. After 12 months of elastic dissolved gas flooding, the area was transferred to waterflood development in January 2001. 9 wells were flooded, with a daily water injection of 1 35m3, a cumulative water injection of 4184m3 and a degree of waterflood control of 648 %. In the experimental area, a total of 3 sets of trucks were put into the project to carry out the fishing (production capacity of bicycle at 81 0t / d) and the oil recovery period of 3 days. At present, the average daily production of oil is 203 tons and the accumulated oil production is 731.64 tons. After nearly a year of development, it has been proved that the use of oil extraction and oil production can meet the development needs of this area.
一种新的多孔高密度聚乙烯生物材料 Pclyc-el~(Tm)最近已用于人的听骨链重建术。这种物质通过热溶加工制成。临床认为这种材料具有更好的组织耐受性,但尚无临床或动物实验的
This study looked into a family involving a rare mother-child ABO blood type inconsistency and explored its genetic and molecular basis. In the family, the moth
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从小,我就是一个十分孱弱、自卑的孩子,上课从不敢发言。被老师喊起来,从嘴里冒出来的声音,像蚊子的叫声一样小。看到老师那揶揄的眼神,我变得越发胆怯和自卑。  初一的时候,我来到了一所中学,班主任是一个年轻的女教师。她很漂亮,也很活泼,上她的课总能感受到一种朝气和阳光的滋味。  一天,班主任说要在班上组织一次演讲比赛,然后推荐优秀演讲者参加年级比赛,优胜者还将参加全校的演讲比赛。  听到这个消息,同学
从1911年 Von Hippel 报告了本病第一例病理研究并命名为视网膜血管瘤病以来,本病已屡有报告。国内张晓楼(1954),于岩竹(1953)等曾报告3例。本文报告两例视网膜血管瘤病,其
素材展示周仰杰,英文名Jimmy Choo,马来西亚华人。自1990年到1997年,戴安娜王妃一直是周仰杰的重要客人,他为她定制日装便鞋和晚装鞋,因此被封为戴妃的御用鞋匠。很多次在王