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能产生异味的花卉:松柏类、玉丁香、接骨木等。松柏类分泌脂类物质,放出较浓的松香油味,闻久了,会引起食欲下降、恶心。玉丁香散发出的异味能引发气喘,使人烦闷。耗氧性花草:丁香、夜来香等。它们进行光合作用时,大量消耗氧气,影响人体健康。夜来香在夜间 Can produce peculiar smell of flowers: pine and cypress, jade clove, elderberry and so on. Coniferous class secretion of lipids, release a thicker rosin flavor, smell a long time, can cause loss of appetite, nausea. The smell of jade lilac can cause asthma, people bored. Oxygen-consuming flowers: cloves, evening primrose and so on. Their photosynthesis, a lot of oxygen consumption, affect human health. Camellia at night
  Natural killer cells are potentially promising candidates for cancer cellular therapy and have been exploited in clinical trials for more than 20 years.Howe
目前世界上最大的公路建设计划 1988年,墨西哥有3500公里的高速公路,同年,墨西哥总统提出了振兴国家经济的一揽子方案,其中宏伟的国家公路发展规划要求在1994年底前,使墨西
1957年我调入上海中国画院,和唐云先生等一起参与建院工作,之后,又一起担负书画创作和画学研究活动,长达35年,相知既深,终成莫逆。 1993年9月26日,唐先生因心肌梗塞住入华东
  Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1), is a unique member of serpin (serine proteinase inhibitors) superfamily, the primary regulator of plasminoge
一、公路卧铺客车发展趋势的背景 人潮奔涌,其气势磅礴令中外人士叹为观止 据中国交通安全报报道,有些火车车次连续爆满,旅客在车上仅有立锥之地,拥挤中无法进食、喝水和入
甬江水底隧道位于宁波市东侧,北起镇海,南至北仑港,该隧道建成后将成为联结甬江两岸的重要交通干线。 甬江水底隧道江中段采用沉管法施工,分5节预制管段沉放,主体结构由江中
  In order to understand the reasons for unsatisfactory results of T cell-centred immunotherapies and to set more effective anti-cancer protocols, studies wer
  High IGF-1, IGFBP-3, testosterone and 16aphaOHE levels increase early breast cancer.We studied the joint effects of OC use, parity, coffee and polymorphisms