
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:you2245g
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目的描述陕西省眉县老年人伤害病例的流行特征,为预防、控制该地区老年人伤害的发生、发展提供科学依据。方法研究对象来自于陕西省眉县的3家监测哨点医院,对2006-2013年因伤害首诊的60岁及以上老年人伤害病例进行描述性分析。结果共收集老年人伤害病例3 751例,男女性别比为1.55∶1。监测到的眉县老年人伤害病例占全人群伤害病例的比例逐年上升;前三位伤害发生原因依次为跌倒/坠落、机动车车祸及钝器伤;伤害的发生地点主要在家中(占43.43%)和公路/街道(39.19%),伤害发生时的活动主要为休闲活动(39.64%)和家务/学习(25.09%);伤害的性质以骨折(33.35%)及挫伤/擦伤(25.17%)为主,伤害部位主要是躯干(20.37%)、头部(18.13%)和下肢(17.65%);伤害的严重程度依次为中度、轻度和重度。结论陕西省眉县老年人伤害的发生日趋严重,该地区的伤害预防和控制工作亟待加强。 Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of the elderly injuries in Meixian County, Shaanxi Province, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of the occurrence and development of injuries among the elderly in this area. Methods The subjects were from three monitoring sentinel hospitals in Meixian County, Shaanxi Province. Descriptive analysis was made on the cases of injuries aged 60 years and over who were first diagnosed in 2006-2013. Results A total of 3 751 cases of elderly injuries were collected, with a male-female ratio of 1.55: 1. The proportion of elderly people who were injured in Meixian County in the whole population was increased year by year. The causes of the first three injuries were fall / fall, motor vehicle accident and blunt injury. The injury occurred mainly in the home (43.43% (39.64%) and housework / study (25.09%). The nature of the injuries was broken by 33.35% and contusion / abrasion by 25.17% The main injuries were the trunk (20.37%), the head (18.13%) and the lower limbs (17.65%). The severity of injury was moderate, mild and severe. Conclusion The occurrence of injuries among elders in Meixian County of Shaanxi Province is becoming more and more serious. Injury prevention and control in this area needs to be strengthened.
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