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对硬骨鱼类精子入卵的要素、单精受精的机制及雌、雄原核形成和结合等受精细胞学方面的研究进展进行了综述。对精卵识别的化学因素及精子入卵的机械动力因素的研究是目前精子入卵要素的主要研究内容。硬骨鱼类卵膜孔的特殊结构以及精子入卵后随即发生的皮层反应为其实现单精受精提供了保障。硬骨鱼类成熟卵处于初级卵母细胞中期 ,卵子产生后才逸出第二极体 ,雌、雄原核的结合方式应为嵌合 (或联合 )式 ,但其所经历的时间较短 ,与理论上有较大的差异。 The research progress on the elements of bony fish sperm into eggs, the mechanism of monosperm fertilization and the fertilization cytology of female and male pronucleus were reviewed. The study on the chemical factors of sperm-egg recognition and the mechanical motivation of sperm into eggs is the main research content of sperm into egg. The special structure of the teleost fossa and the ensuing cortical response after sperm inoculation provide a guarantee for the realization of monosperm fertilization. Bonefish mature egg in the primary stage of oocyte, the egg after the escape of the second polar body, the female and male prokaryotic binding mode should be chimeric (or combined), but its experienced by the shorter time, and In theory there is a big difference.
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