自毁的欲望下隐藏着一幅工业文明垮掉图 工业噪音鼻祖Genesis P.Orridge&Throbbing Gristle

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舞台上,一个名叫Genesis P.Orridge的男子赤裸着全身,将伴有血、尿、牛奶和威士忌的一瓶特制“饮料”一饮而进,随后又顺势把一根10寸长的钉子用力吞咽了下去,没过一会儿,他便为自己招致了一场轮番的剧烈呕吐.在旁边,他的队友Cosey Fanni Tutti则责无旁贷地把地上的呕吐物一一舔到了自己的嘴里,正在这时,Genesis突然当众旁若无人地在一个大玻璃瓶里开始进行小便,排泄完毕后,他又令人作呕地将瓶中的尿液喝了个精光,随之而来的又是一轮不安的疯狂呕吐一切殆毕之后,Genesis和Cosey最终一起又舔净了地面上的污秽物……这是1969年成立的一个叫做COUM Transmissions(Throbblng Gristle的前身)的实验艺术团体于1976年在美国的一次现场表演场景无可否认,这样大胆开放、充斥了自毁和色情成分的行为定会使居多的普罗民众顿生反感,更会遭到保守腐朽派们的深恶痛绝,然 On the stage, a man named Genesis P.Orridge, naked and covered with a special bottle of “drink” with blood, urine, milk and whiskey, took home a 10-inch Nails swallowed hard, and for a moment he caused a sudden violent vomit for himself, and his team-mate Cosey Fanni Tutti next to him licked the ground vomit into his mouth, At this moment, Genesis suddenly appeared in public in a large glass bottle began to urinate, after excretion, he was disgusting bottle of urine drank a fine, followed by a restless Genesis and Cosey finally licked the grime on the ground after all the vomiting of madness ... This was an experimental art group founded in 1969 called COUM Transmissions (the predecessor of Throbblng Gristle) in the United States in 1976 It is undeniable that the scene of the live performance is so bold and open that the behavior of self-destructing and sexually explicit elements will certainly make the majority of the general public disgusted and will be hated by the conservative decadent. However,
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稻热病成灾的季节1958年秋德保县的中稻和晚稻普遍遭受稻热病为害。十万零三千二百四十七亩中稻,发生程度不同的稻热病达七万七千四百多亩,占 The season of rice fever di
河南省农林科学院水稻旱种基——郾城县在1983年试种650亩茬旱种水稻的基础上,1984年扩到18,000亩。由于领导重视,以及省地、县有关专家和技术人员的指导, Henan Academy o
我从小就很笨,妈妈总是用“笨鸟先飞”来教导我。于是,我真的觉得自己是一只很笨很笨的鸟,连羽毛也是没人注意的灰色。 连续3次高考失败后,我读了成人教育的工商管理专业。
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